Loose Tooth Injury: Ways to Fix your Knocked Loose Tooth

A loose tooth may come about either due to the age of the tooth itself or either due to impact. The former is a natural process as manifested by the way adults discard their wisdom tooth. The latter is more of caused by injuries such as getting a strong blow in one’s mouth or face area.

Loose Tooth Treatment

Treating loose tooth is not really focused on treating the piece of tooth itself. Rather, the focus is more towards eliminating or reducing possible infections to the gums. To avoid infections, the following loose tooth treatments are advised:

  • Chew on ice cubes.
    This will prevent further bleeding by causing the blood to coagulate. Aside from ice, very cold beverages are also allowed, though alcoholic drinks are a no-no. Ice cream and other refrigerated goods are also good.
  • To prevent infection, gargle a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of salt. The salt acts on possible infectious agents. However, gargling must not be forceful lest blood vessels will be ripped and cause further bleeding.

How to Fix a Loose Tooth

  • Avoid rinsing the tooth in running water. Using your own saliva or water combined with salt is better.
    Never brush the tooth in trying to clean it.
  • Once the tooth has been cleaned, try to put it back in its original position. Press the tooth down with your thumb. Afterwards, bite on a piece of cloth or a roll of cotton to keep the tooth in place.
  • All of this must be done within two hours after the tooth was knocked loose or may not be effective any longer.

Home treatment for Knocked out tooth

  • Pick up the tooth that is knocked out and rinse it gently in tepid tap water, holding it by the non- root surface.
  • Then insert the tooth properly into the socket and bite firmly on any clean piece of clothe for at-least 5 minutes; and till you reach the dentist’s office keep biting with moderate pressure.
  • If re-insertion is not possible, keep the tooth moist by placing it under your tongue or inside your cheek, till you get to the dentists office.
  • And if the child is too small, carry the tooth in a plastic cup filled with milk or tap water and a pinch of salt.