Juice Detox Cleanses – Boon or Bane?

Summer’s right around the corner and summer is generally synonymous with wanting to deep clean the house, getting your life together and getting rid of materials you don’t deem worthy enough anymore – like that flabby chunk of fat around your waist.

Does leading a lethargically-scheduled lockdown lifestyle make you want to detoxify and inculcate juice cleanses to your diet?

Do you know the feeling of sheer disgust that overcomes your body after you’re done stuffing greasy pizza slices down your throat, chowing down on some high-carb garlic bread (you’re in luck because i’m not considering the “with extra cheese” that you hesitantly stutter to the waiter); and last but not the least, the feeling of washing it all down with some good old carbonated soda that might as well be diabetes in a cup?

The juice detoxing companies know that feeling just as well, considering the amount of Juice Cleanse ads that relentlessly flood our walls.

From swimming and cycling until your lungs give out; to attending hot pilates classes and running rigorously for miles- all your eyes are set on is that “perfect summer body”.

The internet offers an array of highly questionable methods that promises to help you achieve that “perfect swimsuit body” you’ve dreamt of and juice cleanses are just one of them. Juice cleanses definitely empty your wallet, but do they empty your body of toxic materials?

It is extremely crucial to establish that there are two important ways of losing weight – the healthy way that includes the inculcation of a proper nutritional diet, and regular exercise; and the unhealthy way that include juice cleanses, starvation and fasting.

  • Juice cleanses do lead to temporary weight loss but in the process, compel your body to get rid of important toxins.
  • Drinking large quantities of juices often lead to kidney infections because certain juices contain high levels of oxalate (an acid helps to get rid of extra calcium by combining with it) that could be detrimental to your kidneys.

“The risks associated with their use and their lack of regulation, it’s hard for me to be enthusiastic about the use of detox diets or cleanses. If you’re concerned about toxins in your body, I say choose a healthy diet and avoid pollution, pesticides, and other harmful substances as best you can. Leave the detoxification to the professionals: your kidneys, liver, and other self-cleaning organs of your body” says Dr Robert H. Shmerling, MD who works as a senior faculty at Harvard Health Publishing.

-Most juice cleanse juices consist of an inadequate quantity of calories that not only reduce one’s energy but could also lead to fainting, a slow metabolism rate, low blood pressure and deficiencies that are prove to be perilous to ones health. The body kicks in its fight or flight responses and turns on its survival mode as it strives to conserve the minuscule energy that juices provide the body.

“Detox products are not available by prescription; they are sold in retail stores, at spas, over the Internet, and by direct mail. Many are advertised as useful for detoxifying specific organs or systems; others are portrayed as “whole body” cleansers”, says Harvard Women’s Health Watch.Juicing not only restricts and deprives your body from attaining the important nutrients it deserves but also leads to binge eating and/or overeating. Juices contain a negligible quantity fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and fats and leaves one with an insatiable appetite. One is stripping off one’s body of macro and micronutrients. So, the next time whenever a chilled colorful juice on a hot summer day spikes your interest, think of how it could cost you, both, literally and physically.