Category: <span>Health FAQ 6</span>

Sharp pain in chest while swallowing is quiet frightening experience. Many of us may have experienced this type of pain sometime in life for a momentary period. In most cases it subsides on its own without any specific medical treatment. …

Stomach Liposuction Cost

The abdomen is the most common body part that is prone to fat accumulation. It is for this very reason that abdominal liposuction is also one of the most commonly performed procedure in plastic surgery. The result …

Stomach Hernia

There are many types of hernia in the abdominal cavity. Most of these types of hernia are often asymptomatic, meaning the patient does not exhibit any sign and symptom. However, some hernias can be so complicated through strangulation …

Rickettsia rickettsii is caused due to tick bites and it is a causative organism for Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF).

Rickettsia Rickettsii

It is transmitted through the tick bites and children are at a greater risk, though adults can also …

There are three pairs of salivary glands which secrete saliva in the mouth. Saliva is required to keep our mouth moist. It also mixes with the food and makes it soft for chewing and swallowing. It also helps to flush …