What Is Vestibular Neuropathy? Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves in humans. Vestibular nerve is one branch of 8th cranial nerve (auditory nerve) the other branch is called cochlear nerve. Cranial nerves directly emerge from brain. The 8th cranial nerve is concerned with hearing and maintaining equilibrium of the body. The cochlear branch carries impulses of hearing whereas vestibular branch carries impulses to the brain for maintaining balance and position of the body.

Vestibular neuropathy is a condition resulting from swelling of vestibular nerve in the inner ear. It is the nerve which is concerned with appreciation of the position of head and its movement in space.

Irritation of vestibular nerve makes the person feel as if the whole space or the room is rotating. He feels as if he has lost his balance. In medical terminology the symptom is called vertigo. In vestibular neuropathy, generally only one ear is involved.

Causes Of Vestibular Neuropathy

Vestibular neuropathy is one of the common lesions of vestibular nerve. It is a benign and short lasting condition, probably of unknown etiology. Usually it is seen in epidemics of viral infection such as cold and flu. Therefore there is a strong presumption by many researchers that the disease is caused by a virus.

However, there is a controversy over it, because at least half of the patients do not recollect occurrence of cold and flu before they felt dizziness.

Due to irritation and inflammation, the inner ear nerve may not be able to send correct signals to the brain about body movement. At the same time, the eye and other sensory organs may intercept the movements properly. This confusion in the brain results in loss of balance and spinning of the surrounding (vertigo).

Vestibular Neuropathy Symptoms

  • Vertigo is the main symptom of vestibular neuritis. It is a feeling that the surrounding around you is moving without any actual movement taking place. It is a subjective feeling. Vertigo due to vestibular neuropathy is sudden. Vertigo is always accompanied with disturbance of balance. Patient usually tries to seek support. If it is sudden and severe it may throw him on the ground.
  • Vertigo in vestibular neuropathy is also accompanied with vomiting, nausea, sweating, and some time diarrhea and slow pulse and fainting.
  • It can last for few hours to few days. In rare cases vertigo can prolong for months.
  • Recovery is gradual. Occasionally patient may find difficulty in hearing in vestibular neuropathy.

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Vestibular Neuropathy

Usually from clinical finding such as dizziness, vomiting, nausea, etc and past history, the physician is able to diagnose the condition. However, if there is confusion, he may suggest certain tests such as audiogram, brain MRI etc.

  • Most of the time, vestibular neuropathy does not require treatment as the condition is self healing. But the patients should certainly restrict their movement when there is a vertigo attack. They should relax in bed for 2 to 3 days or until they find slight relief in the symptoms.
  • Balancing exercises are effective therapy in controlling the symptoms.
  • Certain medications such as antihistamines may be valuable. They have to be prescribed by the doctor.
  • Rehydration is necessary if there is dehydration caused due to excess vomiting.
  • Use of antibiotics is not useful.