Symptoms Of Whitlow On Toe: Causes And Home Remedies To Treat It

Whitlow is extremely painful condition which occurs on the tip of finger or toes. Whitlow on toe is not as common as on fingers, but it may develop in some cases. In majority of patients it is the great toe which is affected. Usually whitlow is caused due to bacterial infection and sometimes due to herpes and fungal infection.

An abscess develops on the tip of toe or finger which is extremely painful and filled with pus. It occurs when the skin of toe remains constantly moist. Bacteria may enter through the crack and fissure in toe or a small injury.

In its beginning stage the tip of affected toe becomes red and shiny. A small bump develops next to the toenail which is extremely painful.

The affected toe is red and hot with pulsating pain. After few days the area becomes yellow due to pus formation. Patient is unable to walk due to pain in the affected toe. In severe cases patient may have other systemic symptom such as fever and chills. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines may prevent pus formation if the treatment is started in first two days. But if pus has formed, it needs to be drained surgically.

What Causes A Whitlow On Toe?

  • Whitlow in toe occurs due to bacterial and fungal infection. Sometimes it can also develop due to herpes virus. The germs enter into toe and nail folds through hangnail or minor injury. The tip of the toe is affected.
  • Whitlow is commonly seen in diabetics and those, whose toes remain immersed frequently in water such as housemaid, construction workers, etc. Poor pedicure, damaged or diseased nail and nail folds allow entry of germs in the toe.
  • Wearing tight fitting shoes which are narrow in front increases risk of developing whitlow in toes. A person having ingrown toe nail is also at risk of developing whitlow. Low immunity increases the risk of developing whitlow.

Home Remedies To Treat Whitlow On Toe

Whitlow in toe is extremely painful condition. It may prevent the patient from doing his daily routine due to pain. Patient finds difficulty while walking. Treatment should be started soon after noticing the infection to prevent nail damage or damage to the toe.

The first step of treatment is to consult your doctor. Usually doctors recommend antibiotics and analgesics. It will help to reduce pain and kill the germs.

If pus has developed and the area has become soft, abscess has to be drained surgically. The doctor makes a small incision after giving local anesthesia to numb the area. Pus and fluid is drained out and the toe is bandaged with non allergenic bandage. Regular change of dressing may be required.

Few home measures may also help to alleviate pain and reduce the risk of further spread.

  • Fill the bowl with lukewarm water. Immerse your toe in the bowl for 10 minutes 2 to 3 times in a day. The results are excellent when it is started soon after detecting the first sign.
  • Fill the bowl with cold water. Add few ice cubes to make the water cold. Put one teaspoon of magnesium sulphate powder and allow it to dissolve. Now take a clean cloth and soak it in prepared water. Place the wet cloth on the affected toe. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes at least 3 times in a day.
  • Homeopathic medicines such as Hepar sulph, Silicea etc are beneficial in treating whitlow.
  • Keep blood sugar under control if you are diabetic.