Sudden Short Term Memory Loss Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Perhaps it is because of the frequent way it is seen on TV drama shows that some characters suddenly lose memory for some things or everything that people find it difficult to believe such cases actually happen. Although most commonly associated with trauma when the head is bumped with something, there are in fact numerous sudden short term memory loss causes. Aside from trauma, the following are the other causes:

  • Due to alcohol intoxication.
  • Drug and substance abuse.
  • Stress and fatigue are also some of the sudden short term memory loss causes.

What Are the Signs of Sudden Short Term Memory Loss?

Before going to the symptoms of sudden short term memory loss, it must be remembered that the condition is different from permanent or long-term memory loss.

A short-term memory loss is defined as losing memory for only a short period of time such as for some hours or a day at most.

The following are the symptoms of sudden short term memory loss:

  • Confusion that is usually accompanied with vomiting
  • Memory loss that is associated with inability to perceive directions or even the ability to simply balance one’s self
  • Depression, anxiety, and changes in one’s behavior are also some of the symptoms of sudden short term memory loss.

What Are the Treatments?

When it comes to the treatment and home remedies for short term memory loss, the best advice is to first have the treatment option directed by the doctor.

This is because there are many possible causes of sudden short term memory loss. However, if you are looking for the best home remedy, sipping on a warm cup of ginger tea or coffee or tea is recommended as it can help ‘œawaken’ the senses.