Breast Tenderness After Menopause Causes: Treatment For Tender Breasts

Breast tenderness during menopause is one of the most complaints among women. Hormonal changes in the body may result in soreness and discomfort along with swelling and inflammation which is primarily responsible for tenderness. Though tenderness of breasts is often associated with pregnancy, menstrual cycles and breast feeding in females, the severity of tenderness may increase especially during menopause.

Change in the levels of estrogen in the body, as female approaches menopause is cited as one of the most common cause associated with breast tenderness. Hormonal imbalance can also result in engorgement of the breast which in turn may further increase the severity of pain.

Simple home remedies can be used to effectively manage the condition

Causes Of Tender Breasts After Menopause

During a normal menstrual cycle the levels of estrogen and progesterone vary during the cycle. Estrogen levels are high during the initial part of the cycle followed by elevation in the levels of progesterone, during the second part of the cycle. However, among menopausal women, the hormonal imbalance may result in fall in the levels of estrogen, which fails to counter the effects of progesterone levels and is associated with breast engorgement and tenderness of the breast tissue.

  • Drop in the level of estrogen is considered to be the prime factor that is responsible for breast tenderness and engorgement in menopausal females.
  • Further, faulty dietary practices comprising of high intake of processed food and saturated fats, tends to further amplify the problem of hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity can also contribute to hormonal imbalance, which in turn may manifest in the form of breast tenderness.

Treatment For Breast Tenderness In Menopause

A healthy nutrition and change in lifestyle practices can help in regulating the hormonal imbalance and also in preventing symptoms of menopause including breast tenderness. Here are a few dietary tips,

  • Ensure that you consume a healthy diet. Avoid processed foods, salts, high fat contents. Instead increase the intake of dietary fiber ( which limits the absorption of fat by the body), fresh fruits and vegetables( which are rich in vitamins and other nutrients), whole grains, etc
  • Increase the intake of foods that contain phyto-estrogens.Phyto-estrogens are estrogen like hormones found in plants, which help in complementing the body’s requirement for the estrogen hormone. Soy is a great source of phyto-estrogen and should be included in your diet
  • Regular physical activity and regular exercises helps to neutralize the hormonal imbalance created due to changing reproductive cycle. An exercise for about twenty minutes about thrice a week is adequate for maintaining good health.
  • Homeopathic drugs namely Pulsatilla and Sepia taken in low potency, repeated four times during the day is considered beneficial. These drugs not only relieve breast tenderness but also alleviate other symptoms associated with menopause

Life style modification and dietary changes play a crucial role in effectively managing breast tenderness, especially in women approaching their menopause. Incorporation of these life style changes is very beneficial in management of a wide range of other menopausal symptoms