More Than One Period A Month | Having More Than One Menstrual Cycle

Question: What can be the reason for having more than one period during the month? What are the causes of having more than one menstrual cycle?
Answer: Periods occurring more than once in a month is also called as polymenorrhea. It means that the time between the ovulation and the next menstrual cycle is too short.

There can be many causes for having period more than once in a month:

What Causes More Than One Period a Month

Some of the reasons may be mild, while others may be a reason for worry.

  • Stress: this is one of the most common factor for frequent menses, whether it is physical stress, emotional stress, it causes the hormonal imbalance in the body leading to menstrual irregularity. However the cause is not so serious and it can be reverted by doing stress relief exercise and medication.
  • Menopause: periods more than once in a month are commonly seen in woman going through the menopause, this is also due to hormonal changes occurring during menopausal period
  • Endometriosis: this condition in some women can cause periods very frequently.
  • Sexually transmitted disease can also cause the periods to occur more than once in a month.
  • Hyperactivity of anterior pituitary gland can result into frequent ovulation and repeated menses in a month
  • Malnutrition
  • Pelvic inflammatory disorders

If more than one cycle occurs regularly for few months it is advised to consult a gynecologist for further evaluation and finding the cause.