Benefits Of Multivitamin: Health Benefits Of Multivitamin Supplements

Man needs a large number of nutrients to remain healthy and to perform various functions of the body. These nutrients are present in the food we eat every day. The important nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are essential for good health, vitality, growth and longevity. They are needed in very small concentration. Most of the vitamins are easily found in a balanced diet, few of them are also manufactured in the body with the help of organisms. Their absence or reduced absorption can result in specific deficiency disease.

Vitamins are of two types, water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. There are 13 essential vitamins that are needed by the body; vitamin B-complex, vitamin A, D, C, E, and K. Each of the essential vitamins has some specific function in the body. However, individually they do not work efficiently. Vitamins are effective only when they work in synergy. For this reason, medical fraternity favors the use of multivitamins. Multivitamins are manufactured synthetically and dispensed in various forms such as liquids, capsules, tablets.

Health Benefits Of Multivitamin Supplements

When used therapeutically, multivitamin are of immense help in treating diseases and accelerating the rate of recovery.

Today the role of supplementary multivitamin has increased due to busy and fast lifestyle. People find little time to eat their normal balanced diet. However, this does not mean that multivitamin is a substitute for a balanced diet. Below are given some of the most beneficial properties of multivitamins:

  • Useful against mental as well as physical stress: Body is under constant stress and strain in regular life. To combat this strain, multivitamin and minerals play an important role.
  • Multivitamin contains all the essential vitamins needed by the body. This reduces the risk of individual vitamin deficiency. Therefore, to take multivitamin is a better idea in preventing and eliminating vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • Multivitamin acts as a catalyst in many metabolic activities in the body. In this way it makes sure the body is sufficed with the energy that it requires.
  • Multivitamin also protects from neurological manifestations especially in old age. People who show delayed reaction time, decreased hand grip strength and motor in-coordination can have beneficial effect after taking multivitamin.
  • Multivitamin keeps your hemoglobin level concentrated and high. Thus people who take multivitamin do not experience symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness and easy tiredness after work.
  • It helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • It is also beneficial in enhancing the immunity.

Multivitamin Benefits For Women

Multivitamin are of great help for women as they have multiple role to play. During their menses there is loss of blood, it can be mild to moderate or severe. A woman who is taking multivitamin may no experience the bad effects of blood loss such as anemia and tiredness. It is iron and vitamin B12 in multivitamin that keeps balanced hemoglobin.

Besides, vitamin D in multivitamin is useful for women who have osteoporosis after the age of 40 or after menopause. Folic acid in women during her child bearing age helps to prevent neurological defects in the fetus when she becomes pregnant. There are specific multivitamins available for pregnancy, old age and women in her child bearing age.

Benefits Of Multivitamin For Men

In most cases the requirement of multivitamin and iron is less in men if his diet contains meat, pork, beef, turkey etc. Even potatoes with skin and beans provide enough iron which is present in multivitamins. Multivitamins that contain vitamin E and selenium are beneficial for preventing prostate problems.

Vitamin A and vitamin D are useful for the bones and eyes. It may delay cataract and heart related problems. Vitamin C in multivitamin helps to enhance the immune system in men. Regular consumption of multivitamin may curtail old age related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia.