Eyebags can be a cause of lack of sleep or tiredness but in some cases, they are hereditary. To avoid looking tired all the time, a simple surgical procedure can help eliminate the bags under the eyes.
This procedure, also called trans-conjunctival approach, is characterized by an incision on the eyelid’s inner side to remove the fat under the eyes.
- It leaves no visible scars as the incision is closed using stitches that fade as they heal.
- It is minimally invasive and requires only local anesthesia.
- Eyelids can encounter changes that go with the person’s age.
- Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery works to remove wrinkles and excess skin to create a more youthful look.
- The thin incision is done on the upper eyelid’s crease that will disappear within the natural fold of the skin.
- Lower eyelid surgery addresses the need to remove puffiness.
Scarless Eyelid Removal Technique
- Double eyelids, sought by most Asians, can be achieved by enhancing the natural crease.
- It is effective and the results are permanent.
- There is no incision or cutting of the skin involved in the procedure.
- This technique can give the person bigger-looking eyes.
- It can increase the height of the fold to bring out double eyelids.
- It is most suitable for upper eyelids that are moderately sagging and puffy.
- Procedure can be reversible if the patient decides to make a few changes.