Keloid On Tragus Piercing: How To Get Rid Of Piercing Keloid

Body piercing is nothing new; it has been practiced since centuries, it was done as a tradition in some cultures. In recent times body piercing has become a latest trend not only in celebrities but also among general class, especially the younger generation.

Piercing on tongue, face and ears, particularly ear tragus has become a popular way to stand out different from rest of the crowd. However, piercing can cause many problems in susceptible individuals; keloid is one such common disorder that may occur after piercing.

A keloid is an exaggerated fibrous growth of the skin resulting from an injury.

Injury to the skin can be as small as mosquito bite or a body piercing to larger surgical incision.  Keloid resembles like a scar but it can grow larger in size as time passes. They can develop equally in men and women. Keloid develops less in children and old people.

Certain races have inherent predisposition to keloids. People with dark skin are more prone for development of keloids. In some people there is tendency for keloid formation in their families. Keloids are not infectious but they can cause itching and pain in some people.

Keloid can develop after a minor injury such as piercing of ear tragus. The small cartilage that you see in front of the ear canal opening is called tragus. Tragus piercing is common among women as it compliments other jewelry worn on the ear. Youths nowadays pierce tragus to wear funky rings as a style statement.

If you are the one who has developed keloid on tragus piercing, do not panic. There are many ways that can help you to get rid of it, though not completely but to a satisfactory level. Treating keloid in its early stage may give good result. As the keloid grows and becomes old, it is more difficult to get rid of it.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Piercing Keloid

Let us know the ways to get rid of keloid on tragus piercing.

  • Cortisone injections: It is safe and effective treatment for reducing keloid. The injection is given by the doctor. In many cases if the keloid is small the results are good.
  • Laser therapy is useful to flatten the keloid and make it less red. The treatment is not painful but the person may have to take several sessions of the therapy.
  • Cryotherapy, interferon etc are other treatment modes that may be advised by the doctor for removal of keloids on tragus due to piercing.

If you do not prefer these expensive treatments, here are few home remedies that may be helpful in reducing the size of keloid.

  • Apply collagen cream on the keloid. After certain time the size of keloid reduces.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables as they contain vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to produce collagen tissue which is necessary for healthy development of tissues in the body.
  • Massage vitamin E oil gently on keloid on tragus. The increase in blood flow due to massage and vitamin E oil may help to reduce the keloid.
  • Some people have also benefited by applying Aloe Vera gel on it.
  • Using tea tree oil in its diluted form with base oil such as olive oil can reduce the size of keloid on tragus.