Causes Of Skin Blemishes: Symptoms And Homeopathic Remedies

Acne is a skin disorder and appears on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. Skin blemishes are the marks left behind after the acne has dried. Skin problems are quiet common and occur frequently during puberty. But it can also be seen in cases of constipation and when hormonal imbalance is present in case of female monthly cycle and in weakened immune system. Usage of unnecessary cosmetics also contributes towards skin problems and is one of the causes of acne.

Exercise in moderation, plenty of sun and fresh air, high-fiber, low-fat food, plenty of raw vegetables, little meat, avoiding sugar and careful hygiene help to prevent acne.

There are several ways to remove skin blemishes. Homeopathy helps to resolve the issue quickly and without any side effects which are common with conventional medications. There are several homeopathic medicines to cure blemishes. These medications are indicated according to the symptoms produced.

Symptoms And Homeopathic Remedies For Skin Blemishes

  • Remedy – Antimonium crudum:  Spots on the face and neck; infected group of pustules (small-circular elevation of the skin containing pus); surrounding area is also knotty; especially if accompanied by constipation; surface of the tongue develops a thick, white layer.
  • Remedy – Arsenicum bromatum: Intense acne; brown colored, hard, painless pustules; especially in restless, thin people.

    Worse – Spring time
  • Remedy – Bromium: Hard, brown colored pustules without pain; severe acne; especially in slightly plump people with golden hair and light skin.

Better – On the beach

  • Remedy – Bovista: Skin that has developed blemishes from acne, due to the use of cosmetics; also after using normal and general therapy.
    Worse – Swimming and bathing in summer.
  • Remedy – Calcarea carbonica: Skin appears oily due to the use of cosmetics; skin is wet/cold, pale and lacks firmness; face looks unhealthy with pale color; head becomes very sweaty during the night. Especially for lazy and slow people with light colored skin.
  • Remedy – Kali bromatum: Acne; severe itching; bluish-brownish, hard round spots (knots) also on the upper body and back.
    Worse – menstruation
  • Remedy – Natrum chloratum: Light colored skin that is oily and shiny; particularly around the eyes and at the hairline.
    Worse – at the beach, sun
  • Remedy – Nux vomica: Forehead has developed blemishes mainly after using cosmetics; also when laxatives are misused and during periods of constipation.
  • Remedy – Pulsatilla: Skin has developed dark spots mainly after eating pork; also when the menses are delayed and when there is minimal flow during menstruation.
    Worse – Fatty oily foods, during menstruation.
  • Remedy – Selenium: Skin on the face is oily and shiny; presence of many black-heads; acne; cannot tolerate warmth but feels cold easily.
    Worse – During menstruation
  • Remedy – Sepia: Dark, irregular discolored marks or spots; pale-yellowish skin; dark circles under the eye; especially during total exhaustion or when menses are delayed.
  • Remedy – Silicea: Acne; hard pustules; slowly developing pustules; especially for people who are always cold.
  • Remedy – Sulfur: Dry, red, rough skin; looks uncared and unhealthy; face is covered with black heads and pustules; washing face becomes pretty uncomfortable.
    Worse – Water, warmth
  • Remedy – Sulfur jodatum: Skin is rough, dry and red; looks unhealthy; acne is accompanied by hard pustules.
  • Remedy – Thuja: Skin develops blemishes after eating foods rich in proteins (particularly animal protein like chicken, meat, pork) or after immunization; skin is oily.

Dosage: A standard dose of Potency thirty, three times a day OR a dosage of Potency two hundred once a day is recommended. However dosage should not be taken for more than six weeks.