What Causes A Stiff Neck? Remedies And Exercises For Pain Relief

Neck stiffness is common ailment. Everyone may have suffered from stiff neck sometime in their life. Several factors are known to cause a stiff neck. Neck muscle spasm is one of the commonest causes. As person ages, cervical spondylosis and osteoarthritis can cause neck pain and stiffness.

Regular stretching and exercising the neck area can relieve stiffness and improve the range of motion. However, before beginning any exercise regimen, it is necessary to consult the healthcare provider. Because varied types of neck condition may have different form of neck exercises.

Stiffness In Neck Causes

  • If you have neck stiffness once in a while then it is due to neck muscle spasms and this is a self-limiting condition.
    This condition is very common among people who have to use computer or any minute constant job which causes strain on neck or with history of trauma or lifting of a heavy bag.
  • If the condition of neck stiffness is recurrent then you need medical attention because you may be suffering from condition known as cervical spondylosis where there is a degenerative condition of the lower cervical region and it also causes pain in neck with stiffness.
  • Considering that you have acute neck muscle spasm you should follow things to relieve your neck spasm.
  • There is a strong tendency for the symptoms of cervical muscle spasm to subside spontaneously by subsequent rest.

Home Remedies For Neck Stiffness

  • Temporary inflammation or swelling of soft tissues can subside through physiotherapy (radiant heat, short-wave diathermy, traction, exercises or massage)
  • Apply local analgesic on the painful neck. You can gently massage the area.
  • Local heat at home (thermo pad) or short wave diathermy helps in relaxing the muscles. The nerve-roots which cause pain are released and help in relieving stiffness of neck.
  • Cervical traction many times helps in relieving neck stiffness. One should take it for 5 to 10 minutes every day till the complaint subsides.
  • You can apply cervical collar for relieving neck stiffness as restriction of movement helps in early recovery from the stiffness.

Stiff Neck Pain Relief Exercises

  • Turn your neck to right and left. Every time you try, turn a bit more. While doing this keep your shoulder relaxed. It is a good exercise for stiff neck which is often a problem for people having desk work. It stretches and eases neck muscles. It helps to prevent stiff neck.
  • Neck lateral flexion is another exercise to improve stiff neck. Flex your neck on the right side. Try to touch right ear to the right shoulder. Same way try to touch let ear to left shoulder. Repeat the exercise for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Stand straight. Keep one feet distance between your feet. Now place your hands behind your head. Now turn the upper back with your hands placed in the same position from side to side. Also flex on one side in such a way that the bent elbow of the folded hand faces on the roof or ceiling.

It is also necessary to keep the neck muscles strong.

  • Keep your palms on your forehead. Now push your head forward. Resist the force with your palms. You can remain in this position for 10 to 15 seconds. Exercise 3 to 4 times in a day.
  • In the same way keep your palm on the one side of the head. Left palm on left side of the head. Try to flex the head on left side. Resist it with your palm.