Causes and Home cures for Dental Caries

Dental Caries occur when progressive destruction of the mineral and organic components of the two outer layers of tooth by bacteria lead to tooth decay.

Symptoms of Dental Caries

Initially the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold substances and to pressure biting. Later at the base of the tooth an abscess is formed and the pain becomes severe, which maybe constant, sharp, shooting or throbbing and in some cases the teeth needs to be extracted.

Causes of Dental Caries

  • Consumption of cakes, pastries, soft drinks, sugar and refined carbohydrates in all forms.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Food particles stuck in the mouth helps in bacterial growth, produces acid reaction on that and attacks the surface of the tooth.
  • Defects in the enamel or minute cracks may also help in the decay.

Home based Treatment of Dental Caries

  • Decayed regions should be cleaned and the cavities should be filled. But if the cavities have reached the pulp, tooth should be extracted.
  • Teeth should be brushed well in circular motion after every meal to clean the layer of transparent, sticky plaque-which leads to decay. Mineral fluoride in toothpaste helps strengthen outer enamel and makes it less susceptible to decay.
  • Teeth and jawbones can be made harder and healthier with proper diet. Whole foods are ideal. Sesame and millet are rich in calcium and good for health.
  • Products made from white flour and white sugar should be avoided.
  • Chewing raw onions for 3 minutes kills germs that are in the mouth.
  • Placing a small piece of onion or clove on the bad tooth or gum can pacify toothache.
  • Apples possess mouth cleansing properties and should be consumed daily preferably after meals. It has antiseptic effects on the germs and teeth when thoroughly chewed.
  • Lemon and lime contain high Vitamin C that promotes healthy teeth and gums and it prevents and cures acute inflammation of the gums.
  • Frequent small snacks are very harmful for teeth. Sweets should be eaten at the end of a meal and not in between meals.