Myopathy is a group of degenerative disease of muscle characterized by gradual weakness, wasting and dysfunction of skeletal muscles. In this condition there is no evidence of peripheral or central nervous involvement. Myopathy leads to weakness, spasm, inflammation, stiffness and paralysis of muscle. It can be an inherited condition or acquired due to toxins, hormonal and electrolyte imbalance and infection.
Muscle weakness is hallmark of any form of myopathy. An easy task such as getting up from chair, climbing steps, or holding an object also becomes difficult for a person suffering from myopathy.
Treatment of myopathy includes splinting, use of brace, physical therapy, medicines and lastly surgical intervention.
What Are The Causes Of Myopathy?
A single muscle is made up of thousands of muscle fibers. In myopathy the main brunt originates and falls on muscle itself without the involvement of nervous system. Myopathy is of two types; inherited and acquired.
Inherited forms of myopathy are; muscular dystrophies, congenital myopathy leading to weakness of muscles since birth, periodic paralysis, metabolic myopathy involving glycogen storage disorders, fatty acid oxidation defect, ocular muscular dystrophy, pompe’s disease, etc.
Signs And Symptoms Of Myopathy
Myopathy is a broad term which describes functional disturbance of muscles caused due to inflammatory changes or infection and various other factors. It leads to various types of symptoms depending on the type of myopathy and severity of the condition. The symptoms of myopathy may vary from person to person, but some symptoms are unique such as muscle weakness, muscle fatigue and cramps, rigidity, stiffness, paralysis etc.
Myopathy can occur in children as well as adults. Patient suffering from myopahty may suffer from weakness in his arm and leg due to which the child may have delayed walking and clumsy gait. Adult with such weakness may frequently fall as he cannot maintain his balance due to weakened muscles of legs and back.
Drooping of eyelids without any damage to vision, difficulty in swallowing due to weakness of throat muscles, foot drop, facial weakness, pain in muscles, twitching of arm and leg muscles, weakness of ankle and knee joint, slurred speech, are clinical indications of myopathy.
Treatment Options For Myopathy
Treatment of myopathy may vary from one person to another as there are many types. If you suspect myopathy to be the cause, you have to consult your doctor. After examination and medical history, your doctor will suggest certain tests which will be useful in diagnosing myopathy. Once the condition is diagnosed, your doctor will chart out treatment plan which you have to follow as recommended by him.
- Acquired myopathy has good scope of recovery. For example cramps and weakness in muscles caused due to dehydration is alleviated after adequate supplementation of water and electrolytes. In the same way, hormonal therapy will reduce symptoms when myopathy is caused due to endocrinal disorders such as hypothyroidism.
- Inherited myopathy requires particularly need supportive treatment which includes, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, maintaining adequate nutrition, and genetic counseling.
- Pain and cramps associated with myopathy are best treated with anti inflammatory medicines. However, this has to taken under the supervision of your doctor.
- If myopathy is related to poor immunity, immunosuppressive drugs are help to reduce inflammation and swelling.
- Alternative therapies such as yoga, acupressure, and acupuncture, massage are also effective in reducing the symptoms.
Prognosis of myopathy may not be the same for each person. Some people may recover from the condition and live a normal life span without any notable disability. While in some people the disease may be progressive and disabling sometimes even threatening to life.