Causes Of Crick In Shoulder: How To Cure Shoulder Muscle Spasm?

Crick in shoulder is nothing but spasm and cramps in muscles and ligaments of shoulder. The shoulder joint is the most flexible among all the joints in the body. Several muscles, ligaments and tissues attached to the joint provide stability for doing various types of movements.

With spasm of any muscles of shoulder, your shoulder mobility is decreased. It becomes stiff and rigid. There is involuntary contraction of muscles. With spasm of muscles the blood supply to the area gets restricted precipitating sharp shooting pain in shoulder.

The pain may be localized to shoulder joint or may radiate further down to shoulder or the neck region of the affected aide.

It can be acute in onset or chronic depending on the cause. With mild physical exercise and home measures it is possible to relax the contracted muscles and alleviate the symptoms.

What Causes Crick In Shoulder?

There are various reasons which may lead to crick or spasm of shoulder muscles:

  • Muscle strain: When the muscles are overstretched or overused they may undergo into involuntary spasm. The same thing happens to shoulder muscles. They may contract and strain if they are over stretched beyond certain threshold. For example when you perform vigorous sports activity or suddenly lift heavy weight the shoulder muscles may undergo sudden spasm.
    You shoulder muscles may overstretch when you extend your hand above your head to reach at objects kept at high.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration in body leads to imbalance of electrolytes and body fluid. Deficiency of salts and minerals in muscles will lead to muscle spasm and same is true with muscles of shoulder.
  • Age: As a person grows older, muscles and tissues degenerate and become lax to some extent. They lose their strength. Even minor stretch and strain can damage the ligaments and muscles. Since shoulder muscles are involved in wide range of motion, they are susceptible to get strained more easily than other muscles of body. Even the time taken for recovery is more than people of younger age group.
  • Sleeping posture: Shoulder muscles may get compressed and strained if you sleep in awkward posture. The blood circulation may be hampered. Lack of proper blood circulation may cause cramps in the affected shoulder muscles giving rise to pain and tingling in shoulder.
  • Injury: The muscle structure in your shoulder may be compromised after a trauma to your shoulder. They may go into spasm.

Home Remedies To Cure Muscle Spasm In Shoulder

Crick or spasm in shoulder can be treated conservatively at home. Giving rest to strained muscles of shoulder joint helps to enhance the healing process.

  • Give rest to your shoulder muscles when they are strained. It helps in healing the damaged muscle cells leading to faster recovery. Give rest to your shoulder for one or two days. Avoid lifting heavy objects with the affected hand. Avoid overstretching your hands.
  • Alternate cold and hot fomentation helps to relax the spasm and facilitate more blood circulation in the affected shoulder. As a result more nutrients flow to the area which helps in revering the spasm.
  • If the cause is dehydration, increase your fluid intake. Drink lemon juice mixed with sugar and salt. It replenishes the lost electrolytes.
  • Massage your shoulder muscles gently. Massage with coconut oil. It is the best therapy for cramped muscles which helps to alleviate pain as well as spasm. Massage is even recommended by doctors when your shoulder muscles are pulled.

After few days, mild exercise of shoulder muscles will help to improve the range of motion as well as make the muscles stronger.