Too Much Calcium In Urine: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Urine consists of many waste products that are released from the body. Some substances although not wastes, are also passed out from urine if they are in excess or in health disorders. It is normal for small amount of calcium to be passed out from urine. However, too much of calcium in urine is abnormal, the condition is called hypercalciuria.

Calcium is an important mineral in the body. Most of calcium is stored in the bones. It helps the bones and teeth to be strong. Besides it also involves in several other functions such as muscle contraction, blood clotting etc.

There are few conditions in which excess of calcium is excreted from the urine. This may ultimately affect the strength of bones and several other bodily functions of calcium.

What Causes Too Much Calcium In Urine?

The normal level of calcium passed through urine in 24 hours is between 100 to 300 mg/day. However, the range may vary slightly from one laboratory to another. High level of calcium in urine is observed in certain conditions such as;

  • Person suffering from chronic kidney disease passes excess of calcium in urine. This is because the kidney is not able to filter and retain calcium from the circulating blood.
  • Too much of calcium in urine is observed with presence of kidney stones. In fact excess of calcium can lead to formation of kidney stones. It is one of the most common kidney problems.
  • Excess of calcium is excreted in urine in a person suffering from hyperparathyroidism. Abnormality in secretion of hormones of parathyroid gland which controls calcium regulation in the body is the cause.
  • Excess of calcium is lost in a condition called rickets. It is a childhood disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin D.
  • Intake of too much of calcium supplements can result in excess of calcium in urine.
  • Use of diuretic, especially loop diuretics or water pills can also cause calcium loss in urine.
  • Sarcoidosis is a disease in which there are inflammatory changes seen in several organs of the body.
  • Abuse of alcohol.
  • Eating too much of protein, calcium in diet or in the form of supplements.

Symptoms Of Too Much Calcium In Urine

The signs and symptoms of excess of calcium in urine are those of the disease that a person is suffering. Hypercalciuria is in fact a finding of the laboratory test. Patient may have following symptoms of the disease he is suffering from, for example kidney stone disease manifests as;

  • Pain in back
  • Increased frequency of urine
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Change in color of urine
  • Nausea and vomiting

Due to excess loss of calcium in urine, there are other associated symptoms such as pain in legs and all over the body, weakness and lethargy, depression and memory loss, loss of appetite, etc. These symptoms are present in hyperparathyroidism.

Treatment Options For Too Much Calcium In Urine

Since high level of calcium in urine is just a test for evaluating a disease, the aim of treatment is to treat the underlying disease from which the patient is suffering. For example in case of kidney stone, the aim is to dissolve the stone. If the stone is large, it has to be removed through surgery or laser therapy.

In case of hyperparathyroid disorder, surgical removal of the gland may be necessary. Removal or one or both the glands may be necessary. The surgery is known as parathyredoctomy. In case of rickets the child may be given vitamin D and calcium supplementation. Exposure to sunlight for a short interval is also useful as it is good source of vitamin D.

High level of calcium in urine can be checked by monitoring the intake of calcium and vitamin D supplements as some patients may be taking them in excess.