Fungal infections are increasingly on a rise since last 20 to 30 years especially in critically ill or people with compromised immunity. Although infections caused by Aspergillus group of fungus remains on the top, other opportunistic fungi such as scedosporium are emerging to cause devastating health consequences among humans. Scedosporium makes its entry into the body through cuts and wounds. The severity depends on whether the infection is limited locally or has spread throughout the system.
Treatment of scedosporium infection depends on the type and health of the individual. A healthy individual with local infection will respond well to the treatment.
How Do You Get Scedosporium Infection?
Scedosporium infection can occur in anyone and at any age. But this infection is more common in people with weak immunity. Thus people suffering from HIV, aids, cancer, or with organ transplant are at greater risk. Scedosporium infection is a fungal infection caused by scedosporium species of fungi. This infection is detected since last few decades.
The two species scedosporium apiospermum and scedosporium prolificans are found to infect humans. Soil, contaminated water, cattle manure and bird droppings contain this fungus.
Symptoms Of Scedosporium Infection
Scedosporium infection can occur anywhere in the body. It can remain limited to the skin or may disseminate in various parts of the body. Most individuals with skin infection or localized infection have comparatively strong immune status. However, systemic spread occurs in people whose immunity is weak. Usually local scedosporium infection occurs in skin, ear, nose, bone and soft tissue. Skin infection occurs mainly in lower limbs.
A small hard lump forms at the site of local trauma. If not treated, pus may form and start oozing out from the node. Later on it develops into an ulcer. Scedosporium infection in ear causes symptoms of otitis media which include inflammation, pain, and discharge of fluid that may be purulent. Scedosporium can also lead to sinus infection and infection in the bone. Systemic spread of the infection can cause pneumonia in lungs, and meningitis in brain.
Prevention And Treatment Of Scedosporium Infection
Scedosporium infection is an opportunistic fungal infection. This infection can be local as mentioned above or may have disseminated spread. Infection in a person with healthy immune system can be treated with a promising outcome. However, the main problem is in patients having weak immunity. The infection can be life threatening in patients suffering from AIDS, cancer, organ transplant etc. Anti fungal medications is the main line conventional treatment.
Treatment of the underlying cause will also help to eliminate scedosporium infection. Along with medicines, eating healthy food and living healthy lifestyle is very important to eradicate scedosporium infection. Improvement in nutrition will help to build healthy immune power.
Scedosporium infection can be avoided by an individual by avoiding places where the fungus thrives such as soil and water contaminated with the fungus. Person should clean cuts and wounds with soap and water as soon as possible when he come in contact with soil or animal manure.