Ethmoid Sinus Infection Symptoms: Treatment Of Ethmoid Sinusitis

Ethmoid sinus is situated in the skull bone between the sockets of the eye and just above the nose. It is one of the paranasal sinuses. In simple words, it is hollow air space between the ethmoid bones of the skull, upper portion of the nose and between the eye sockets. Ethmoid sinus consists of several hollow cavities and the mucus membrane lines each cavity. Each air cavity is innervated with ethmoidal nerve. The ethmoid sinus drains the mucus into your nose to protect it from drying.

Ethmoid sinus is made up of three compartments, the anterior, middle and posterior.

Each sinus compartment drains into the nose at different level. The anterior ethmoidal sinus drains the mucus in the middle meatus of the nose; the middle ethmoidal sinus drains its mucus in the middle portion of the nose, while the posterior portion of the sinus drains into the superior region of the nose.

Causes Of Ethmoid Sinus Disease

By now you know where the ethmoid sinuses are, and its function. Generally the sinuses are filled with air, the mucus lining serves to keep the inside of your nose moist. However, when the lining of the ethmoid sinus becomes inflamed it blocks the sinus and the flow of the mucus is blocked.

Due to its blockage, the mucus starts accumulating in the ethmoid sinuses. Both ethmoidal sinuses can be blocked at a given time. There can be unilateral blockage as well. As the buildup of mucus increases, risk of infection in the ethmoid sinus rises. Infection results into inflammation of the sinus which is referred as ethmoid sinusistis.

Some of the causes of ethmoid simusitis are:

  • Bacteria.
  • Virus.
  • Allergens.
  • Fungus infection.
  • Nasal polyps.
  • Foreign body in the nose.
  • Trauma to the nose and ethmoid sinuses.

Symptoms Of Ethmoid Sinus Infection

Ethmoidal sinusitis has similar symptoms as other paranasal sinuses. Most often following symptoms are noted with ethmoid sinus infection.

  • Headache surrounding the eye and the temple area is quite disturbing for the patient. He may feel heaviness in his head as well as over and around the orbits.
  • Fever is often associated with ethmoid sinusitis.
  • The area around the eyes and nose is tender to tough. A person wearing spectacles finds it very difficult to wear them due to tenderness.
  • Nasal blockage is a common problem and the person finds it difficult to breathe.
  • Sore throat is another associated problem.
  • Pain is felt in the orbits and aggravated with coughing or while you lie down.
  • Sometime ethmoid sinus infection can spread to other parts and cause orbital cellulitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis etc. it can become a life threatening condition when the infection through the sinus reaches the brain.

Treatment For Ethmoid Sinusitis

Most of the time a decongestant is prescribed by the doctor to clear the air passage.

In mild ethmoidal sinusitis, antibiotics are also prescribed to reduce the severity and further complication from ethmoid sinusitis.

The above conservative medical treatment is useful to reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucus membrane of the sinus as well as alleviate the pain. It also helps to open the sinuses and makes the mucus to drain easily from the sinuses. Use of antibiotics reduces the chances of surgical intervention.

Surgery may be required for those not responding to medical treatment.

If the sinus symptoms are progressing fast, or if the sinus infection spreads to the nearby eye orbits leading to an abscess needs surgery.