Cheyletiella Mites On Humans causes: Symptoms & How To Treat It?

Mites are nuisance pests which inhabit on the external surface of animals and humans. Cheyletiella mites are one such species of mites which live on skin surface of animals such as dogs, cats and rabbits and human beings. In animals cheyletiella mites can cause extreme itching, scaling of skin and sometimes hair loss.

When this mite infests on human being it can produce severe itching, red rash and scaling of skin. The body parts most likely to get affected are arms, buttocks and torso. Unlike many other mites, cheyletiella does not penetrate in skin.

They live on keratin surface of upper layer of skin.

In most cases humans are infected when they come in direct contact with pets carrying cheyletiella. The parasites reproduce quickly and their life cycle is complete in 21 days. Therefore it is necessary to kill them with medications as quickly as possible.

Symptoms Of Cheyletiella Mite Infestation In Humans

Cheyletiella are eight legged pests having claw like mouth. The adult mite measures 0.3 millimeters in length. The characteristic feature of this mite is that it does not burrow deep in the skin. But it remains superficially on the upper layer of skin and thrives on keratin layer.

It cannot live more than 10 days after leaving the host.

Cheyletiella remain within the keratin layer and carry the scales with them. They are fast moving creatures. The scales appear similar to dandruff and therefore some people refer this symptom as walking dandruff. Besides scaling of skin, cheyletiella mites in humans are known to cause severe itching and red bumps on the skin surface. The common site of its affliction is arms, buttocks and torso.

Even though the affected site is severely inflamed, it is well demarcated from the surrounding healthy skin. Severe itching can lead to scratching and there is risk of secondary bacterial infection. Cheyletiella mite infection in humans needs constant animal contact. If the chain is broken by treating animal infected with the mite and vice versa, the symptoms alleviate within three weeks.

How To Treat Cheyletiella Mite Bite In Humans?

Normally infection of cheyletiella mites occurs due to contact with infected animal. Usually the pets like dogs, cats and rabbit get infected. It is necessary to treat the affected pets. The animal as well as the house including carpets and curtains should be disinfected.

Shampoo your pet with selenium sulphide shampoo. Use the shampoo once in a week for four weeks. Lather the pet with the shampoo and wait for half hour before washing. Pyrethrin shampoo is also used to clean your pet. Its effect is similar to that of selenium sulphide shampoo.

Consult the vet if you are finding difficulty even after shampooing for few weeks. Also ask him about the pet food. A healthy diet for pets is effective in dealing with such mites.

Simultaneously clean the house if necessary with disinfectant. Wash linen, carpets, bed sheets, and curtains with warm water at least once in a week. In case if the pests still remain a problem, use mite resistant bed covers. Your house should have proper ventilation since cheyletiella mites prefer dark and humid habitat.

If you are infected with cheyletiella mites, you should consult a dermatologist. Symptoms such as itching can be alleviated with anti histamines. Add few drops of anti septic solution in bath water to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Alternately, you can add essential oil such as lavender or tea tree in bath water to treat the condition. Both these oils have ability to get rid of cheyletiella mites.