Treatment For Cauliflower Warts: What Are Its Causes & Remedies?

Warts are viral infection caused by a type of virus called human papiloma virus (HPV). Warts are benign and harmless skin lesions. They can develop anywhere on skin surface. They are commonly seen on neck, fingers, toes, feet, genitals, face and head. Warts are universal. It can develop at any age, but they predominantly are seen in children.

Warts are of different types. Cauliflower warts are a type of warts that are most common. Among the hundreds of HPV viruses, type 1, 2, 4, 27, 29 are responsible for cauliflower warts. The name cauliflower is perhaps synonymous with the appearance of this type of wart.

These types of warts have resemblance with the shape of cauliflower. Cauliflower warts mostly develop on face and neck, fingers and elbows etc.

Warts usually go away without any treatment after few months or years. Some people prefer to take treatment. Treatment options include removal of wart with laser, cryotherapy, etc. Several home remedies are also useful in removing cauliflower warts.

What Causes Cauliflower Warts?

As mentioned earlier, cauliflower warts or any other type of warts is caused by human papilloma virus. There are several different types of HPV. Cauliflower warts are caused by HPV 1, 2, 4, 27, and 29 strain of virus.

These warts are also called common warts.

They are highly contagious; the virus can spread from one infected person to another non infected person through direct contact. It can enter through cuts and injuries. The other route of its spread is auto-inoculation. It means the virus can spread from one wart to other site in the same person.

Everyone who comes in contact with HPV virus does not suffer from warts. People whose immunity is suppressed or low, are more susceptible to develop this lesion. Cauliflower warts can appear in any individual, but it is usually seen in children and young adults.

Treatment And Home Remedies For Cauliflower Warts

Although cauliflower warts are benign skin growth, they sometimes are painful or bleed especially when they are located in areas where the skin is prone to friction. Many people opt for removal of cauliflower warts because of cosmetic reasons. These harmless lesions can be removed with conventional remedies. This therapy is done at a dermatologist’s clinic and it is costly.

If the person’s immunity is strong, common wart usually regresses spontaneously within few months or a year. There are still instances where they linger on for many years. Topical use of salicylic acid ointment or use of podophyllum 5% is often used by dermatologists. Home remedies are also effective in getting rid of cauliflower warts.

Cryosurgery is another method to remove cauliflower warts. In this method liquid nitrogen is used to remove warts. After the procedure, warts shrivel and fall off within few days. Electrocautery and laser are other effective methods to remove warts. All these conventional methods are highly effective but they are costly.

Cauliflower warts with various sizes located on hands, face, neck, genitals and other areas can be removed with home remedies.

  • Place a duct tape on the wart for few days. Remove the tape and replace it with new tape. Repeating this over a period of time will help in removing the wart without any difficulty.
  • Crush one of two cloves of garlic. Place it over the wart and apply a bandage over it. Follow it daily for one week to 10 days. The wart will fall off after a period of time.
  • Apply castor oil daily on the warts. It is a time tested home remedy to remove cauliflower warts.