Home Remedies for Swollen Lymph Nodes: Symptoms Inflamed Lymph Nodes

Having swollen lymph nodes makes your neck appear as if you have some sort of goiter. This ailment is usually the result of the failure of the body to properly expel waste, although it can be caused also by stress and other ailments. While any ailment is best treated with the aid of a doctor, this is one ailment where you can do a lot to put a stop to by simply being at home.

Home Remedies for Swollen Lymph Nodes

So if you are searching for the best home remedies for swollen lymph nodes, try any of the following treatments:

  • Massage the swollen area regularly.
    The application of the massage as a form of treatment for swollen lymph nodes stems from the fact that the lymph nodes swell because of some form of blockage. As such, massage assists the normal operation of the lymph nodes, helping it to be restored to its healthy state.
  • Another way to treat swollen lymph nodes is to apply hot compress on the swollen part. You can accomplish this by using a heat pack and press against the area for at least 15 minutes.
  • As an alternative, you can also dip a small towel in a basin of hot water and then leave on the swelling for at least 5 minutes, dipping the towel again when it gets cold.
    You can also use a teabag to dip into a cup of hot water and then apply on the swollen part.
  • A healing beverage is to mix honey with a cup of hot tea. Honey is known to be effective in the treatment of swollen body parts, and it imparts the same benefit to the healing of your swollen lymph nodes.
  • Do not forget to take rest. Stress being one of the factors that cause lymph nodes to swell, there is no better remedy than to allow your body time off from work and other stressors that can aggravate your condition. Stress is also a good antidote to being psychologically burdened which translates into your body experiencing health problems of various sorts.
  • If all else does not work, take pain relievers. However, be sure to seek first the advice of a doctor when taking them or when giving them to a child. Although they belong to the same lot, some pain relievers trigger allergic reactions in some, leading to more problems.