Ingrown Fingernail Treatment: Home Remedies for Pus, Pain in Ingrown Fingernail

Taking Care of Ingrown Fingernail

Whatever makes a hand presentable definitely involves a good fingernail. Most women would readily believe to such for how good could a hand look if it is without a nail?  So how do we care for a problem such as an ingrown fingernail?  Let’s start with what composes the nail.

Parts of the Finger Nail

  • Nail plate. This is the hard portion of the nail that is composed of keratin.  The fingernail grows an average of an eight of an inch a month and basically grows faster than the toenails and faster in the dominant than the non-dominant hand.
  • Nail bed. This is found under the nail plate. Nourishment of the nail comes from the capillaries found in the nail bed and this gives its pinkish color.
  • Free edge. This is part of the nail that extends the matrix bed or finger.
  • Lunula:  This is the visible portion of the matrix bed at the base of the nail. It has a half-moon shape and it is where the nail is formed or where it grows.
  • Cuticle:  This is a fold of skin at the base of the nail that covers the lunula and protects the nail bed.

Causes of an Ingrown Fingernail

An ingrown nail is a condition wherein the nail edge curves or grows and pushes into or against the skin causing irritation and likely inflammation. Poor peripheral circulation can also increase the incidence of ingrown nails.

Home Remedies and Treatment for Ingrown Fingernail

One of the most important things to note in the proper care of ingrown nails is the proper cutting of nails.  We should not cut the nail too short to the point that there are almost no free edges left as this may worsen the condition.  Curve cutting of the nails should just be at least what the standard nail cutter would allow.

In the cleaning of ingrown nails, soaking on warm water usually helps but we can add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to a couple of liters of water.  This could help sanitize your fingers as well but we should avoid too much contact with water, soap, or detergents as this may add to the causes of nail breakage so it is best to use gloves when coming in long contact to such like doing the simple chore of dish washing.

It would also help if we do gentle massage on the area using olive oil or coconut oil as this help relieve the pain and gently helps in the growing of nails.

We can cut short the problem on ingrown nails with proper nail care.