High Ammonia Levels In Blood: Treatment For Elevated Ammonia Levels

High levels of ammonia in blood can occur due to several reasons. Ammonia is formed in the body when proteins are broken down into simpler compounds in the human digestive tract. Ammonia is subsequently filtered from the blood by the liver and excreted in the form of urine.

Causes Of High Ammonia Levels In Blood

Liver disorders like hepatitis, hepatic coma and cirrhosis of the liver can reduce the ability of the liver to filter the blood, which in turn can result in elevated levels of ammonia in the blood.

Other disorders including intestinal bleeding, kidney complications, liver abscess and cardiovascular disorders can also result in elevated levels of ammonia in the blood

Elevated levels of ammonia can be manifested clinically in the form of confusion, generalized weakness and lethargy and difficulties in memory retention.

Treatment For Elevated Ammonia Levels

The treatment for elevated levels of ammonia in the blood comprise of the following,

  • Consuming ammonia reducing medications in appropriate dosage has been found to be beneficial. These medications allow ammonia to mix with water and get eliminated through the kidney
  • Low protein diet is recommended in patients with elevated level of ammonia. Ammonia is formed due to breakdown of proteins and low protein diet reduces the production of ammonia in the body
  • Dialysis is an alternative, especially if ammonia levels in the blood are very high

Consult your physician on regular basis.

Treating the underlying liver disorder is an important part of the treatment regimen.