Different and Most Common Types of Poisoning
- Believe it or not, the most common way people get poisoned is through the food supply. That seems to be clear through the fast food and pet food salmonella exposure. There is a lot to be concerned in that area.
- The other most common list of poisoning show pain relievers, sleeping meds, antidepressants, and street drugs among the top categories that adults are poisoned.
- Children’s poisoning incidents are high in the cosmetics, cleaning supplies, pesticides, and car fluids. Kids are surely attracted to all the bright, pretty colors of vehicle fluids, shampoo, bubble bath, and make up.
- Poisoning does not always occur by ingestion. Toxic substances can be absorbed thru the skin or inhaled via the respiratory system too.
- With medications being high on the list for poisonings in all age groups there are some measures you should take to prevent accidental ingestion or overdose.
- Always keep medicines in the original packaging. Do not put extra pills in unlabeled containers. You can’t count on remembering what that pill is for when you need it.
- There should be safety locks on cupboards where medication is stored to prevent kids gaining access to them.
- Cleaning supplies should be properly labeled and out of reach of kids. Safety child locks will prevent curious minds from accidental poisoning.
- When using cleaning products, always use gloves. Some substances may be caustic to the skin. Heavy duty chemical cleaners can be absorbed through the tiniest cuts on your hands.
- Proper ventilation is necessary for preventing inhalation poisoning. Even small amounts of chemicals can damage the lungs and build up to toxic levels in the body.
- Even the most common, innocent, products can be dangerous types of poisoning in the wrong hands.
- It used to be that medicine to induce vomiting was administered as a first step in first aid. This is no longer recommended. Call the poison control center with any doubtful situation.