Leukocytes in Urine: Increased Leukocytes in Urine Causes And Treatment

Leukocytes in Urine

Leukocytes are white blood cells which are responsible to combat the bacteria in our body. If there is infection in the urinary tract, leukocytes count in urine will rise.  Plain urine analysis will show pus cell or leukocytes normally between 2 -5 /high power field on clean catch morning sample of urine. Anything above 20/HPF of leukocytes present in urine analysis is significant. It indicates infection in the urinary tract.

Passage of abnormal number of leukocytes or pus cells is called Pyuria.

Urine analysis is done in a laboratory.

Thus rise in leukocyte count in urine is a primary marker for urinary tract infection.

Physicians depend on this simple urine analysis to confirm UTI.

Causes of Leucocytes in Urine

  • Infection in urinary tract, kidney, bladder and urethra.
  • Pyelonephritis is a type of kidney infection where there is rise in leukocytes.
  • Kidney stone: can give rise to infection in kidney and in turn rise of leukocytes in urine.
  • Sexually transmitted disease: namely gonorrhea will give rise in leukocytic count in urine.
  • Bladder infection called cystitis can be one reason for rise in leukocytic count in urine.
  • Radiation and cytotoxic drugs.
  • Infection in urethra known as urithritis will give rise in leukocyte count in urine.
  • Drugs like aspirin, indomethacin and other NASIDs.

Predisposing factors for rise of leukocytes in urine:

  • Unhygienic habits.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Instrumentation and catheterization.
  • Steroids and immunosuppressants.

Treatment of Increased Leukocytes in Urine

  • Drink plenty of water to flush out the leukocytes from the urinary tract.
  • Coconut water will help in making urine alkaline and thus relieve burning urination caused by raised leukocytes in urine.
  • Cranberry juice is rich in vitamin C and other acids, it helps to cure urinary tract infection by dislodging the bacteria from the bladder wall.
  • Cranberry juice and apple juice can be mixed together.
  • Homeopathic medicines such as cantharis, parira brava are useful in controlling UTI’s. They have to be taken under the guidance of a homeopath.