Diverticulitis And Alcohol: Diverticulosis And Alcohol Consumption, Use

Diverticulitis And Alcohol Consumption

Diverticulitis is a disease of gastrointestinal tract, most commonly found in large intestine. Diverticulitis causes formation of pouches on the outer surface of colon. Diverticulitis occurs due to weakening of the bowel wall or increased intraluminal pressure in the colon.

Medical studies have shown that alcohol does not have direct role with diverticulitis, but certainly alcohol consumption may worsen the condition and its symptoms. The toxins released with alcohol consumption may damage the thin wall of the diverticula leading to bleeding from the intestine.

The condition occurs especially in middle aged or elderly subjects and affects males and females equally.

It is rare in Africa and Asia, leading to suggestion that the low residue, high carbohydrate diets common in affluent countries, together with use of purgatives may be responsible for the development of diverticulitis.

Radiological examination frequently shows the presence of blocks of feces or undigested food particles in the diverticulum, due to its inability to contract.

When there are repeated attacks of diverticulitis, the wall of the colon thickens with narrowing of the intestinal lumen, eventually leading to large bowel obstruction.

Symptoms of diverticulitis:

  • Pain and discomfort in the left side of the abdomen.
  • Change of bowel habits, constipation alternating with diarrhea.
  • Severe rectal bleeding.
  • Acute diverticulitis can give rise to clinical picture of the acute abdomen.