How to Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods: Conceiving With Irregular Periods

Question: I am married for almost 2 years now, but still no kids. I want to meet a gynecologist, on which day of menstrual cycle should I go to see a gynecologist? Can you give me treatment and suggestion on how to get pregnant while having Irregular Periods?


Getting Pregnant with Irregular Periods

Irregular menstrual cycle occurs in almost 10 – 20% of women; menstruation occurring above 30 to 35 days of normal periods is termed to be irregular.

It is extremely frustrating for many women in trying to conceive with irregular periods.

And therefore to find the cause for this irregularity and correct the irregular period is the most effective solution in trying to get conceived.

There are many causes for irregular periods:

  • Polycystic ovarian disease
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Exercise
  • Diet (malnutrition and anemia)

Your doctor may advise you to get following tests: complete blood count, hormone essay for thyroid function, ultrasound of pelvis, blood sugar etc.

Semen examination of your male partner.

Conceiving with Irregular Periods

Following are the steps and tips to get conceived with having irregular periods.

  • Have sexual intercourse every two to three days, even if the ovulation time is not known.
    Having regular sex and frequent sex ensures the presence of sperms in the reproductive tract all the time and this facilitates to fertilize the egg whenever ovulation takes place.
  • Ovulation predictor test strips help to determine hormonal increase in your urine immediately before ovulation. Positive result usually means you will ovulate within 24 hours. Have sexual intercourse during these days.
  • Temperature charting method and fertility monitor are another methods used to monitor ovulation.
  • Correct your diet, eat nutritious diet containing proteins and vitamins and minerals, address your stress level both physical and emotional.
  • Correct anemia by taking iron supplements

Home Remedies To Regularize the Periods

  • Drink juice of bitter gourd
  • Cumin seeds, sesame seeds and honey restore the irregularity of menses.
  • Fennel seeds can be consumed with water; it helps to regulate the cycle.
  • Daily consumption of grape juice restores the periods regularly.
  • Papaya and aloe vera juice also help to start the bleeding.

You can consult your gynecologist at any time.