ALT SGPT Is High: Causes, Treatment for Increased SGPT, SGOT Levels

What are the causes of Elevated or High SGPT & SGOT?

When I did the routine blood test this was the result: SGPT/SGOT level was high. SGPT level is 184, SGOT is 130 and Serum bilirubin is 1.8.

Liver function tests such as SGPT, SGOT, serum alkaline phosphatase, Australia antigen, globulin and albumin are few of the markers of the liver function and its ailments.

These tests are performed for three main reasons:

  • To assist in differentiating whether the jaundice can be treated in a medical conservative way, for example in case of viral hepatitis, or it requires surgical treatment, as in case of obstructive jaundice due to gall bladder stones.
  • For confirming the suspected liver disease.
  • For estimation of the liver damage and as a guide for treating and knowing the prognosis of the liver disease.

Irrespective of the cause, Liver functions are not impaired to the same degree in any one case of liver disease.

SGPT and SGOT are the most important enzymes of the liver parenchymal cells. They are in large numbers in the liver. These enzymes are released in the blood when the liver cells get damaged.

You will have to get further investigation done such as test for hepatitis C, B, and E.  Also get a  sonography of the abdomen done.

Consult a Gastro-enterologist.

Causes of Increased SGPT

The normal range of SGPT is from 20-40 u/l.

Some of the causes of high ALT SGPT are:

  • Liver inflammation (hepatitis A, B, C, Infectious mononeuceosis, acute viral fever, ALCOHOL, pancreatic disorder).
  • Injury to the muscles, as in accidents.
  • Myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure.
  • Acute kidney failure.
  • Certain drugs, like cocaine.
  • Drugs for reducing cholesterol etc.

Causes of Increased SGOT Levels

Causes are almost same as in SGPT rise, but in acute myocardiac infarction, only SGOT gets increased.

For early detection of infective hepatitis, these enzyme are very important markers.

Treatment for High SGPT Levels

Treatment will depend on the cause. If the causative factor is taken care of, then the enzymes will become normal, as in case of viral hepatitis A, B, C. In fact, it guides us to the prognosis of the condition.

Alcohol, certain hepato toxic drugs should be discontinued, if they are the cause.