Walking Dandruff In Humans: Symptoms & Home Remedies To Treat It

Dandruff is the most common scalp condition suffered by men as well as women. It is a skin condition characterized by scaly white flakes which separate from scalp and accumulate within the hair. If you observe white flakes moving about within the hair, then possibly it is walking dandruff.

Unlike classical dandruff which most people suffer from, walking dandruff is caused by a mite called cheyletiellosis. In fact, it is a mild form of dermatitis. The mites are usually found in pet animals such as cats, dogs, and rabbits. However sometimes they may also affect humans who come in contact with the infected animal.

Usually in humans, Cheyletiella mites cause red itchy patches on arms, trunk and buttocks, but sometimes they may also spread on scalp. As the mites carry the white flakes on them while they move within the scalp and on hair, it appears as if dandruff is walking, hence the name.

Walking dandruff is extremely contagious as the mites easily migrate from one host to another through direct contact. If a person frequently comes in contact with his infected pets, he is susceptible to develop this condition. Cheyletiella mites burrow inside the skin and feed on keratin.

The life cycle of 8 legged mites in one host is 21 days.

Symptoms Of Walking Dandruff In Humans

Cheyletiella mites in many cases multiply and feed on animal skin without producing any symptoms. Therefore owners often remain unaware of their pets being infected by the mites. Humans know about walking dandruff when they observe white flakes moving about on their scalp and hair.

Severe itching and blisters on scalp are common with cheyletiella mite infestation. Since the mites do not prefer humans as their host, the symptoms are not long lasting and they usually vanish within 3 weeks. However, because of the discomfort caused due to itching and the fear of its spread, walking dandruff should be treated without any delay once it is suspected to be the cause.

Home Remedies To Treat Walking Dandruff In Humans

Treatment of walking dandruff is effective only when the primary source, which is the infected pet animal, is treated promptly. It is easy to treat animals by applying local pesticides and anti flea medication. But treatment of walking dandruff in humans may differ. Several home remedies are proved useful in eliminating the mites present on skin.

  • Wash your hair with water which is mixed with 3 drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil. Lavender essential oil helps to alleviate itching while tea tree oil is effective in eliminating the mites.
  • Applying a mixture prepared of coconut oil and colloidal silver is found to be extremely useful in eradicating the mite.
  • Prepare oat meal paste by mixing oat meal and water. Apply it on your scalp and hair if there is severe itching. Wash with warm water after few minutes of application.
  • Keep your house well ventilated as Cheyletiella mites prefer to live in moist and dark places.
  • Wash carpets, rugs, bedding, and linen in hot water every few days. Maintain proper hygiene to prevent the occurence of these mites.

For the remedies to work well, all the members of family should be simultaneously treated including the pets.