Home Remedies, Diet for Hair Fall | Treatment, Cure for Hair Loss

Researchers believe that, in those individuals, who are predisposed to hair loss, the hair follicles start producing enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which takes hold of the male hormone testosterone, from the blood, and then converts it to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT attacks the hair follicles, and they weaken and shrivel up. In men, hair loss (male pattern balding), occur along the hair line or falls out at the crown or both.

Experts, say, in women, hair loss is comparatively less severe. This because, female produce an enzyme called aromatase, which turns DHT in to estrogen, thus diminishing follicle shrinking.

To give sheen to your hair, and make them gleam and shine, apply 1 teaspoon of vinegar before washing them.

How to Prevent and Control Hair Loss

The management of hair loss requires a multi-disciplinary approach. A balanced diet, optimum and customary hair and scalp care, regular head and neck exercises, and stress management are critical aspects of the therapy.

  • Massage: Regular scalp and neck massage has significant preventive and curative benefits for the hair and scalp. A massage stimulates sluggish hair follicles back in to action. Massaging augments the blood supply to the scalp, thus, providing greater oxygen and adequate vital nutrients, necessary for good hair growth.
    It also decreases stiffness and tension knots in the shoulders, nape of the neck, and back of the head, which also helps enhance the blood supply. Massaging wont reverse balding, but it can halt the onslaught, and a regular massage will prevent the occurrence, in people predisposed to hair loss.
  • Pranayama: Pranayma improves and enhances the utilization of oxygen by the body cells.  Practicing pranayama, a minimum of 4 times a week is advocated.
  • Dietary management: Loss of hair is the first warning sign, that, the diet is greatly lacking in adequate nutrients. Dietary errors affect the hair roots and they start shedding. Occasionally, certain protective body mechanisms make the hair follicles dormant and inactive, so that hair fall is stopped. Nutrition can re-activate these dormant follicles and promote hair growth. Stepping up the intake of proteins, iron, calcium, and anti-oxidants is the best way to fight back.

Tips for Natural Hair Care

  • Use a gentle shampoo and a conditioner, every alternate day. Keep the scalp clean and free from grime and dirt.
  • Use a wide toothed comb, that won’t pull or stretch the hair and the roots too much. Wooden combs, combs with soft bristles, and handmade combs are advised.
  • Avoid washing the hair with hot water. Hot water dries out the scalp. Never ever brush or comb the hair when they are wet. Wet hair are the weakest and get damaged very easily. Towel-dry hair, and then brush them. Avoid hair driers.


  • Do not resort to dyes, chemicals, and hair colors. They cause massive, irreversible damage to the scalp, roots and the follicles. Hair becomes brittle and the shaft loses its sheen. What’s more, avoid excessive styling products – mousse, hair setters, and sprays. They have long term devastating effects.
  • Dosage: One dosage of potency 200, once a day for a maximum of six weeks.

Remedies if you are Suffering from Hair Fall

  • Hair loss due to emotional factors; especially after a lot of worries like homesickness, lovesickness; hair also turns gray simultaneously; the person lacks interest and enthusiasm; lacks concentration; does not care.
    Remedy – Acidum phosphoricum
  • Scalp has itchiness, usually accompanied by dandruff and hair loss; hates combing; there is burning sensation in the scalp during the night; extremely restless; anxious; exhausted; especially after being ill for some time.
    Remedy – Arsenicum albumHair loss after delivery; scalp extremely itchy; this forces one to scratch head constantly.
    Remedy – Calcarea carbonica
  • Hair loss due to emotional stress; especially after too much mental activity and worries; especially during exam preparations
    Remedy – Kali phosphoricumHair loss during pregnancy; especially for women whose emotional and mental state has changed a lot due to hormonal changes during pregnancy
    Remedy – Lachesis
  • Hair loss post pregnancy; also hair loss due to premature ageing with clearly visible wrinkles across the forehead; premature graying.
    Remedy – Lycopodium
  • Hair loss after delivery; while nursing the child for a long period; hair loss especially at the hairline during menopause; the person loses weight and is extremely exhausted.
    Remedy – Natrum chloratum
  • Loss of hair in patches; leaves behind bare spots; extremely tired and exhausted. Especially in cases of premature ageing and in people with thin hair when scalp can be seen after an illness.
    Remedy – Phosphorus
  • Hair loss during menopause; after delivery; formation of dark circles under the eyes; skin becomes pale yellow; feeling as if the uterus is curving down due to weight; appearance of varicose veins; the patient feels sad, nervous and completely exhausted.
    Remedy – Sepia
  • The scalp is cold constantly and is sensitive; cold sweaty head and feet, but the rest of the body is dry; often discolored nails. Especially in young people after recovering from a disease.
    Remedy – Silicea
  • Hair loss is severe and quick; heavy dandruff; hair loss due to emotional stress; the patient reacts angrily or feels upset and may become withdrawn.
    Remedy – Staphysagria
  • Hair loss after an acute illness (general type) accompanied by severe exhaustion. Example severe infection with high fever
    Remedy – Thallium