How to Prevent and Stop Premature Hair Graying | Remedies for Early Hair Greying

Premature Graying of Hair Treatment

All of us go through graying of hair, as we grow old. But there are times when people have premature graying of hair. You could see young people look older because of this condition. There are various causes that you don’t need to be alarmed about and you can easily find remedies for it.

What Causes Gray Hair

The actual reason of graying hair is the loss of melanin in the hair strands. The body stops producing melanin primarily due to vitamin deficiency. Some of the nutrients we need to produce the pigment are iodine, iron, copper, and vitamin B complex.

Another main reason is excessive worry and anxiety. This is more related to too much stress, whether it is at work or at home. This results to improper diet that will lead to vitamin deficiency.

Here are other reasons for premature graying of hair.

  • Underlying health problems: These can include anemia, chronic constipation, sinusitis, chronic cold, and thyroid disease to name a few.
  • Hereditary factors: If your parents had premature graying of hair, you have a good chance of having gray hair at an early stage as well.
  • What you do with your hair: The things that you do with your hair can greatly affect it.
    People who use hard water to wash their hair, concentrated hair dyes, and electric driers are prone to getting premature gray hairs.
  • Treatment for other health problems: People who undergo radiation and chemotherapy are prone to premature graying of hair.
  • Poisoning: People who survived heavy metal or toxic poisoning have premature graying of hair.

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Having premature graying of hair is not really a disease. It is just something you should be worried about since it is a sign that you are not really taking care of yourself. But never fear. Here are some home remedies that you can easily do.

  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. You need to replenish the lost vitamins and nutrients.
  • Have a healthy lifestyle. Don’t worry too much and don’t stress yourself too much.
  • Include curry leaves in your diet. Curry leaves provide hair vitality and better root strength. You can use the leaves as spices for your meal or boiled in coconut oil and used as hair tonic.
  • Use of Gooseberry. To make a hair tonic, cut the fruit into pieces and dry them under a shade. Boil the dried pieces in coconut oil until they look like charred dust. Massage the dark oil unto the hair.