Throat Muscle Spasm: Causes, Home Remedies for Muscle Spasms in Throat

Causes of Throat Muscle Spasm

Throat muscle spasm is a symptom of varied causes, and it usually indicates that something is wrong with your throat or respiratory including your digestive system.   Spasms result when the muscles contract resulting to unbearable pain and stiffness in the muscle area. Any body part that has a muscle is susceptible to this condition. Muscle spasms in throat happen when you do sudden movements or strain your neck and throat muscle. The most common causes of muscle spasms in throat include the following:

  • Allergic reaction to food
  • Asthma and other respiratory diseases
  • Complications in the nervous system
  • Acid reflux or heartburn
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Allergic reaction to drugs or medication


Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Muscle Spasms in Throat

Muscle spasm in the throat is pretty manageable especially if the causes are allergic reactions to certain substances.

If you are having spasms in the throat, you should try doing these simple yet proven effective natural treatments:


  • Relax and do a lot of deep breathing or breathing exercises. Getting into a yoga class would also help in alleviating the effects of asthma and stiffness in the muscles especially your throat.
  • Massage your throat with ice cubes or get a cold compress. Wrap some ice cubes in a towel and gently apply pressure on your stiff neck and throat muscle to eliminate the pain and relax the muscles.
  • Take a warm shower to soothe your muscles.
  • Avoid doing sudden neck movements.
  • Do not strain your throat muscles further by swallowing big chunks of food. It would do you good if you would swallow your food well and chew your food into pieces before swallowing them.
  • When the spasms subsided, try pressing your throat or your neck with your thumb or your fingers as a form of muscle exercise.