Blue flashes In Eyes: Causes, Treatment of Seeing Blue Flashes in Vision

Seeing Blue Flashes in Vision


Blue flashes in eyes are the most dangerous type of floaters since they usually appear during the early stages of retinal detachment that later on may lead to loss of vision. Therefore, it is important that when you see blue flashes, you should consult your ophthalmologist right away so that further examinations can be performed to know what may have caused the problem. Seeing blue flashes in eyes is also known as scintillating scotoma.

Causes of Blue Flashes in Eyes


  • Ophthalmic migraine: Prior to experiencing pain or headache, a migraine is usually preceded by an aura or flashing lights in vision.
    This flashing phenomenon tends to increase in a 20 to 30 minute time frame that can be alarming.
  • Entopic phenomenon: This can happen to anyone at any time. This usually happens when you are looking at a certain object and suddenly shift your vision to another. This is caused by the white blood cells in the capillaries of the retina.
  • Posterior vitreous detachment: As part of the aging process, the vitreous becomes more liquefied and becomes more loosely attached to the retina. In cases of vitreous detachment, the back edge of the vitreous is pulled forward and further from the retina.
    And as it gradually detaches, that is the time where we start seeing blue flashes in eyes.
  • Retinal tear: This is usually brought about by eye or head trauma. A hard blow on the face can cause a tear in the retina.
  • Uveitis: This is an inflammation of the eye. The parts that are usually affected are the back structures of the eye that includes the retina and optic nerve.


Treatment of Blue Flashes in Eyes

  • Regular eye checkup.
  • Eye protection such as sunglasses
  • Proper care for contact lens
  • Eye lubrication for dry eyes
  • Resting the eyes to prevent eye strain