Tubular Adenoma Polyps Risk Factors: Its Symptoms And Treatment

Tubular Adenomas account to 75% of all types of colon polyps. While colon polyps are a very common condition, especially among the elderly population, adenoma polyps are associated with a risk of turning malignant and increase the risk of development of colon cancer. Estimates suggest that colon cancer is the second leading cause of death associated with cancers in the United States. This article provides more information about tubular adenoma polyps.

An intestinal polyp which becomes cancerous or is at the risk of becoming malignant is referred to as an adenoma or adenomatous polyp.

Tubular adenoma polyps are one of the subset of adenoma polyps, which are least likely to become cancerous. The adenoma polyps that are at the highest risk of becoming cancerous are villous adenomas.

A tubular adenoma polyp is a tube like structure which comprises of 75% of the epithelium and is arranged in a tubular fashion. Though this type of polyp is at the lowest risk of turning malignant; however its risk of turning malignant increases as the size of the polyp increases. Estimates suggest that with every one centimeter increase in the size of the polyp, the risk of cancer increases by 20 percent.

These type of polyps can grow anywhere in the colon and are pedunculated.

Causes And Risk Factors For Tubular Adenoma Polyps

While it is not very clearly understood as to what causes Tubular Adenoma polyps, there are certain risk factors that have been identified,

  • Individuals that consume a non-vegetarian diet or have a high intake of smoked food are at a higher risk of developing tubular adenomas.
  • Lifestyle also plays an important role in the development of intestinal polyps. Erratic dietary practice, smoking, consumption of alcohol, low fiber intake, etc are some of the risk factors that are associated with the condition.
  • The risk of the condition increases with advancing age. Estimates suggest that prevalence of polyps in individuals above the age of fifty years is fifty percent and it increases exponentially with increasing age.

While the extent of cellular dysplasia will determine the extent of risk associated with the polyp in turning malignant, these risk factors contribute significantly.

Tubular Adenoma Polyp Symptoms And Treatment

Tubular adenoma in most cases is not associated with any form of symptoms. However as the size or number of these adenomas increase certain symptoms may be observed,

  • Indigestion with reduced appetite may be observed in some cases. Some patients may complain of constipation, while others may complain of diarrhea.
  • Stools may often be very offensive in odor, occasionally dark black in color (due to blood clots) and floating.
  • Burning sensation in the abdomen may be experience in some cases, while other cases may be associated with severe pain in the abdomen while consuming food or passing stools.

Treatment For Tubular Adenoma Polyp

If symptoms are manifested, it is often recommended to confirm the diagnosis through a barium follow through or a colonscopy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment involves removal of the polyps, especially if they are associated with a higher risk of malignancy. Changes in dietary pattern and lifestyle are also recommended to slow the progression of the disease condition.