Category: <span>Health Answers</span>

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a disorder of platelets. Platelets (thrombocytes) are tiny power packed cells in blood that helps to maintain and propagate clotting mechanism. Thrombocytopenia is term used for low platelet count. It can occur either due to …

Lipedema is condition of disproportionate accumulation of fat mainly in the buttocks, leg and sometimes in arm. Lipedema is almost exclusive condition found only among women. It is a chronic and painful condition hence it is also called as painful …

Collagen vascular disease is a terminology used for group of disorders that pertains to problems related with connective tissue in the body. The diseases included under this category are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, etc. They all are autoimmune diseases where …

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non invasive radiological technique. It produces cross sectional images of a body part by using magnetic field, radio waves and hydrogen atoms. In past few decades MRI has opened new horizon for analysis and …

Colonoscopy is a procedure in which the entire large bowel can be visualized and evaluated with the help of a long flexible tube having light and tiny camera at one end. Since 1970, colonoscopy is commonly used in gastroenterology. The …