Category: <span>Alternative Therapies</span>

Hydrotherapy makes use of steam, ice, water, cold or hot temperature to maintain and restore health. It forms a part of the self-care program and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions at home.

Some of the

Fasting Therapy relieves the body from the task of digesting foods and it facilitates healing the system while ridding it off toxins. It is quite effective in conditions like arthritis, allergies, headaches and hypertension.

For people who are in a …

Detoxification Therapy involves the removal of toxic substances or qualities. Our body naturally eliminates or neutralizes toxins. But due to industrial revolution, the accumulation of toxins (food additives, chemicals, anesthetics and residue of pharma drugs, pesticides and heavy metals) surpasses …

Colonic irrigation is gentle technique of cleansing colon by flushing warm water into the anus under low pressure. When fecal matter builds up and stagnates it produces toxic substances, which can be absorbed by the blood stream and cause negative …

Heart disease in modern times has reached an epidemic proportion. More people die each year from heart related diseases than from any other cause. Heart diseases are called cardiovascular diseases and they include arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries), heart attack (myocardial …