Neuropathy In Feet And Legs: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

Neuropathy which is generally referred as peripheral neuropathy is caused due to lesion and damage in the peripheral nerve. Peripheral nervous system as the name suggests is a network of nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord to the peripheral part of the body. Although the disease can occur anywhere in the body, neuropathy in feet and legs is very common, especially in people suffering from diabetes and several other diseases and disorders.

The symptoms range from tingling numbness, burning sensation to more serious such as muscle weakness and loss of coordination.

Symptoms can develop slowly or at rapid pace depending on the cause. Neuropathy in feet and legs is not life threatening condition. But it can quiet debilitating affecting the daily life of a person. Neuropathy in lower extremities is completely curable if it is detected and treated in its initial stage.

The peripheral nervous system is made up of three types of nerves. The sensory nerves send sensation messages to brain. For example hot, cold, etc. Motor nerves innervate muscles and tissues. They carry massage from brain to the muscles. Autonomic nervous system is independent and controls bodily functions such as breathing, blood pressure, heart beats etc.

Neuropathy occurs when any of these nerve and its nerve cells are damaged.

Causes Of Neuropathy In Feet And Legs

There are several causes responsible for neuropathy in legs and feet. It is very common ailment especially in adults and elderly age group. Men are more prone to neuropathy, especially neuropathy caused due to compression of the nerve. It can be hereditary or acquired.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a common hereditary neuropathy of feet and legs. This disease affects both sensory and motor nerves. It develops in first 20 years of life. The disease leads to foot deformity and difficulty in walking and running. The muscles of both legs and feet become weak. Sense of vibration in feet and leg is lost. Patient frequently falls while walking.

There are several other acquired reasons for neuropathy of lower extremities:

  • Diabetes is one of the most common causes of lower extremity neuropathy. High blood sugar level for long time can cause damage to the sensory and motor nerve cells.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is another reason responsible for symptoms of neuropathy in legs and feet.
  • Chronic alcoholism can damage the neurons of leg and feet.
  • Person can suffer from neuropathy in legs and feet if he has suffered major injury in legs or in his feet.
  • Infections such as leprosy, shingles, and HIV infection can lead to debilitating loss of sensation or tingling numbness in legs and feet. G B syndrome is a viral disease affecting lower extremities.
  • Feet and leg neuropathy is also caused due to systemic diseases such as liver and kidney diseases, arthritis etc.
  • Chemotherapy and other medications can cause damage to sensory and motor nerve fibers. Heavy metal poisoning is also responsible for neuropathy in lower extremity.
  • Entrapment of nerve in leg can produce neuropathy in feet and legs. If it occurs in ankle joint, it affects the feet. Entrapment in upper leg causes neuropathy all over the leg.

Neuropathy In Feet And Legs Symptoms

Common symptoms of neuropathy in legs and feet are;

  • Tingling in feet and lower leg.
  • Numbness in feet.
  • Loss of sensation to external stimulus such as heat, cold, pin prick etc.
  • Progressive weakness in legs and feet.
  • Burning pain in feet.
  • Feeling as if the person is walking on soft cotton when he is actually walking on a hard surface.
  • Difficulty in moving legs.
  • Spasms in calf muscles.
  • Frequently falling due to difficulty in walking.
  • Person is unable to move his legs due to weakness in the leg muscles.
  • Difficulty in wearing foot wear, especially sandals and slippers.
  • Leg becomes thin.

Home Remedies For Neuropathy In Feet And Legs

Although neuropathy is not dangerous to life, it can cause severe discomfort and disability in daily life. The primary aim is to treat and eliminate the cause if possible. When patient suffers from neuropathic pain in feet, he experiences difficulty in walking. The pain can be burning, boring, shooting etc. Aside from conventional medicines, several home measures are helpful in managing pain in feet.

  • Healthy eating habits will reduce incidences of neuropathy. In case of nutritional deficiency, patient has to include foods that are high in vitamin B12 and B2 in his diet. Lean meat, fish, eggs, sea food green leafy vegetables, fruits are good source of these vitamins.
  • Patient should stop alcohol and smoking.
  • Patient should control his blood sugar if he is suffering from diabetes.
  • Keep your feet in warm water for 10 minutes daily. It increases blood flow to legs and feet. However, the water should not be very hot as it may cause burns.
  • Leg pains are often worst at night. Good sleep is necessary to reduce such incidence. Avoid drinking coffee before sleeping. Take one glass of milk half hour before sleep.
  • Applying geranium essential oil mixed with base oil such as olive oil or coconut oil helps to alleviate burning pain in feet.
  • Exercise such as walking is beneficial as it increases blood flow to feet and leg. Rich blood supply nourishes the damaged nerves and helps in early recovery.