Swollen Spleen Symptoms: Causes And Treatment For Enlarged Spleen

The spleen is a vital organ that filters and eliminates infection causing agents from the blood. It also gets rid of old, abnormal blood cells and maintains a normal supply of healthy cells.

In normal conditions, the spleen is roughly the size of our fist. When it gets inflamed and swollen, the size increases considerably; and the condition is called splenomegaly.

Swollen Spleen Symptoms

  • The chief symptom is pain. At first, pain is felt in the upper abdomen; it gradually extends to the left shoulder.
  • As the pain increases, breathing becomes difficult.
  • As the spleen enlarges, it presses on to the stomach.
    Consequently, the patient feels full easily.
  • Even a small injury bleeds profusely.
  • Symptoms of anemia come up: headaches, breathlessness, giddiness and fatigue.
  • Also, the patient is al lot more vulnerable to infections.

Causes Of Swollen Spleen

  • Infection (bacterial, viral or parasitic) is the chief cause.
  • A liver disorder also triggers spleenomegaly.
  • An abnormality in the lymph system is an important cause.
  • Trauma, inflammatory diseases, leukemia, etc are other significant causes

Treatment For Enlarged Spleen

The condition is diagnosed on the basis of the symptoms and examination. Blood tests, X- rays, ultrasound, and CT scans need to done to establish the exact cause.

  • Complete bed rest is a must to prevent rupture.
  • In case of a rupture, surgery is unavoidable.
  • Also, medications are given to treat the underlying cause.

To prevent infections, drugs and vaccines must be given from time to time.