Symptoms Of Allergic Reaction To Spinach And Side Effects Of Spinach

Two factors determine the severity of an allergic reaction of spinach. Firstly, is the extent of sensitivity of an individual and second is the amount of consumption of spinach.

Allergic reaction to spinach is attributed to one of the component of spinach, which can be retained even after cooking the vegetable.

Allergic Reaction To Spinach

Spinach contains high volumes of salicylate (which is a natural preservative) found in several other foods. However the concentration of salicylate in spinach is very high. Salicylate is considered to be the source of allergic reaction to spinach.

As per Cleveland Clinic, individuals allergic to spinach have antibodies, which specifically target salicylates.

Though salicylate is essential to protect the plant against bacteria and fungus, this constituent can result in a very strong allergic reaction among humans.

Spinach Allergy Symptoms

The common allergic symptoms associated with spinach allergy include,

  • Severe abdominal pain and colic accompanied with gastro intestinal distress in the form of diarrhea and vomiting
  • Appearance of skin rash and hives all over the body. The rash is itchy and associated with severe burning
  • Nasal congestion with burning in the eyes, throat and nose may be observed
  • Wheezing and chest pain is observed in individuals with severe symptoms and can be associated with difficulty in breathing
  • Headache and generalized swelling all over the body is also observed in most of the cases with spinach allergy.
  • Recurrent allergic attacks associated with consumption of spinach, tend to increase the chances of developing gout.