Barley Allergy Symptoms: Foods to Avoid Malted Barley Allergy

Barley Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

  • Common symptoms include itchy skin, rashes and shortness of breath.
  • Itchy mouth, diarrhea, wheezing and vomiting are signs of allergic reaction to barley.
  • People who have allergic reaction develop dermatitis or eczema.
  • Doctors perform allergy tests and blood tests to diagnose barley allergy. Elimination diets can determine the allergy as well.
  • The regular course of treatment is taking antihistamines and avoiding contact with the allergen.
  • Barley allergy can cause allergic rhinitis that can be remedied by nasal sprays.
  • Medications for inflamed eyes, asthma attack due to barley ingestion, and moderate symptoms may be administered.

Malted Barley Allergy Symptoms

  • Barley that has undergone the malting process is used in many foods and fermented drinks.
  • Itchy facial skin, inflammation of the skin and swollen lips, tongue or mouth
  • Vomiting and abdominal cramps
  • Skin rashes, wheezing and dizziness can indicate anaphylaxis, which is a type of allergic reaction that can result to acute respiratory illnesses.

Barley Allergy Foods to Avoid

  • Beer
  • Coffee substitutes
  • Soups and stews
  • Sweeteners
  • Whiskey
  • Commercially available health foods like bran and corn cereals

Foods That Contain Barley Allergy

  • Learn to read labels and packaging for possible inclusion of barley as an ingredient.
  • In restaurants, inquire from the chef about the process and contents of the dishes on the menu.
  • As much as possible, prepare or cook own food to make sure that the meals are barley-free.