Mood Swings During Ovulation: Causes & Natural Ways To Treat It

Ovulation is an important stage of menstruation. Many women are aware of ovulation, but they do not know what it is or what its signs are when it occurs. Actually ovulation is nothing but release of a mature egg from ovary. It takes place during every menstrual cycle, usually on every 14th day from the first day of menstrual flow. There may be 1 to 2 days variation as the exact time in every woman may not be same. Usually it is 28 days.

Most symptoms of ovulation are subtle and women barely notice it.

However, there are many women who find marked change in their behavior around ovulation. It is particularly related to mood swings. Some women may feel more elated or some may become depressed for no reason.

This bout of sadness, anger, pleasure occurs during ovulation. Some physical signs also indicate the time of ovulation such as increase in discharge, mild pain in lower abdomen, increased sexual desire, slight rise in temperature etc.

What Causes Mood Swings During Ovulation?

Mood swings or changes that occur during ovulation are quiet rapid. At one time the woman may be happy and joyous.

There may be sudden change of mood and she may become depressed and anxious. These sudden mild to moderate change of emotions does not last very long. It may remain for 2 to 3 days during the ovulation period.

Although there is no substantial clinical or research data that suggests the cause to be hormonal changes during ovulation, many medical practitioners and researchers link change in hormones to mood swings. The two female hormones namely progesterone and estrogen dominate ovulation and menstrual cycle. The level of these hormones continuously fluctuates from time to time during the whole menstrual cycle.

This sudden fluctuation of hormone estrogen and progesterone is suspected to play a role in mood swing during ovulation. Besides mood change, she may also experience other symptoms such as increased sweating, hot flushes, mild rise in temperature, bloating, pain in lower abdomen etc.

Natural Ways To Treat Mood Swings During Ovulation

Fortunately mood swing or change in emotions during ovulation is temporary. It usually last for one to three days during the time of ovulation. Some women may experience sadness and anxiety, anger and irritability, while some women may experience happiness and feeling of elation.

Usually woman may not require specific treatment as the change fades away after one or two days and the symptoms are mild. However, for some mood swing may be bothersome. In such cases maintaining healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious food, adequate amount of rest and sleep all will help in reducing improving bad mood.

Here are some tips to control mood swings during menses:

  • Eat foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Fish such as salmon, halibut, flax seeds and walnuts are high in omega 3.
  • Reduce intake of caffeinated drinks around ovulation date. Caffeine is known to amplify hormonal fluctuations. Instead drink green tea.
  • Avoid alcohol during 12th to 16th day of your cycle if you are regularly experiencing mood swings.
  • Exercise regularly as it is surest way to curb depression and other bad moods that occur during ovulation.
  • Drink at 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Include in your diet green leafy vegetables and fruits as they contain minerals and vitamins that help to reduce mood swings.