Amenorrhea Signs And Symptoms: Natural Home Remedies To Cure It

The term amenorrhea denotes cessation of menstrual periods between the age of puberty and menopause, either temporarily or permanently.

Amenorrhea can be classified as physiological and pathological. When menses stops during pregnancy and lactation it is physiological amenorrhea. Pathological amenorrhea is stoppage of menstruation due to several reasons such as hormonal imbalance, anemia, absence of uterus, hysterectomy, poly-cystic disease of ovary (PCOS), long term use of contraceptive pills, malfunction of pituitary gland etc.

Primary amenorrhea is when the girl has reached puberty or above the age of 16 but the periods has not begun.

In secondary amenorrhea a woman who has previous regular periods finds sudden stoppage of menstruation for 3 or more consequent cycles (not due to pregnancy). Primary amenorrhea is not as common as secondary amenorrhea.

Signs And Symptoms Of Amenorrhea

The most important symptom of amenorrhea is absence of menses. Besides absence of menstruation other symptoms of amenorrhea may depend on the underlying cause. For example if the underlying cause is pregnancy, the woman may feel tired, gradual enlargement of uterus size in the pelvis and abdomen, morning sickness etc.

If the cause is hormonal change or pituitary gland problem she may have thick and more apparent facial hair, falling of hair from armpit and genital organs, milk discharge from breast without being pregnant, dryness in vagina, weight gain, headache, etc.

She may also feel depressed, worried and anxious and may have sexual disharmony.

Natural Home Remedies To Cure Amenorrhea

After diagnosing the underlying cause for amenorrhea, the physician will recommend treatment most suitable for the patient. This may consist of hormone therapy, dietary changes, treatment of underlying condition, supplementary iron and vitamins, etc. Surgical intervention may be considered depending on the underlying problem such as genital abnormality, imperforate hymen etc.

Aside from medicinal therapy, alternative and natural remedies have been found to be effective in treating amenorrhea in majority of cases.

  • Dietary changes: Since many cases of amenorrhea are known to occur as a result of iron deficiency, especially in malnourished woman, following iron rich diet is beneficial in treating the condition. A woman should eat iron rich foods such as fish, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, etc. Her doctor may also recommend iron supplements to raise the level of hemoglobin. At the same time she should avoid certain foods such as refined sugar, too much of caffeine containing products such as tea and coffee, fast food etc.
  • If severe exercise is the underlying cause, she should reduce it and switch on to milder exercises.

There are several herbs that are known to be effective in curing the condition.

  • Banana flower: Eat cooked banana flower with a glass of curd or butter milk two times in a day. Banana flower contains progesterone in natural form. It helps to raise the level of this female hormone which is responsible for menstruation.
  • Saffron: Take few threads of saffron and add it in one glass of water. Now boil the content till the solution becomes half. Drink one teaspoon of this water two times in a day. It can also be dissolved in a cup full of milk. Saffron contains antioxidants that are useful to flush out various toxins from the body. It provides good sleep. Anxiety level may decrease with proper sleep, which sometimes may be one of the causes of amenorrhea.
  • Blue cohosh: Blue cohos herb contains elements that are known to ease suppressed menstruation. Calulopsonin is the content present in blue cohosh that stimulates blood circulation in the uterus and pelvis. It is a potent remedy for treating amenorrhea.
  • Chasteberry: It contains female hormones estrogen and progesterone in natural form. Both these hormones play an active role in bringing menstruation. Eating chasteberry balances the deficient hormones and regularizes the ceased period.
  • Almonds: Almond known as king of nuts is highly nutritious food. Almonds contain copper in organic form. Copper along with iron and vitamins act as a catalyst in synthesis of hemoglobin. Almonds are therefore useful to cure anemia.