Natural Ways To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

Many people fight a long battle to lose weight, especially when they suffer from hypothyroidism. People with an under-active thyroid gland may have subtle physical changes in their skin, hair, memory problem and energy besides being overweight. Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland situated in front part of the neck. This gland has great influence on every organ of our body because of the hormones it secretes. These hormones regulate the metabolic activity of our body.

Thyroid gland secrets hormone called T3, T4, and TSH. T3 is a powerful hormone that is instrumental in converting nutrients into energy so that the each cell can perform its optimal function.

With low level of T3 a dynamic hormone, it becomes difficult for a person to lose weight. However, taking proper medications is the first step to maintain optimum weight if you are suffering from hypothyroidism.

For a person who has well control on his hypothyroidism weight loss should not be a problem. Few changes in diet and exercising daily he will find it easier to lose weight.

How To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism Naturally?

Follow these few steps if you are overweight and suffer from hypothyroidism.

  • Take your medicines as prescribed by your physician. Thyroid medications are usually to be taken in morning on empty stomach with water.
    Eat your breakfast half an hour after taking the medicine. Check your blood for thyroid hormone level regularly at certain interval. If your thyroid hormone level is still not at its normal level, talk to your doctor. He will make necessary adjustments in your medications.
  • Avoid eating simple carbohydrates and sugar. Instead, incorporate in your diet complex carbohydrates. Increase the intake of vegetables, cereals, legumes and other starchy food in your diet. Avoid eating pastries, cakes, sweets and other sugary products. Intake of complex carbohydrates is useful as it reduces production of a protein called cytokines that causes inflammatory response in the body. However, take enough diet and do not starve.
  • Eating less of gluten containing food helps a person suffering from hypothyroidism to lose weight. Gluten has elements in it which interferes with absorption of iodine that is essential for proper function of thyroid gland.
  • Eat foods that help to reduce inflammation in your body and cool off your immune system. Often person with hypothyroidism suffers from aches and pain as well as mental stress and anxiety. Eat more of green vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans, fish, coconut and olive oil, etc. They are useful to reduce inflammation.
  • Eat frequent and small portion meals. The digestive system works slowly when you suffer from hypothyroidism. Incorporate in your diet healthy protein, carb and fats as it helps to maintain balanced blood sugar level and prevents ups and downs of blood sugar.
  • Exercise is extremely important to burn calories. A walk for few minutes daily or swimming and other forms of exercise will be useful to burn calories and lose weight that is often a challenge in people suffering from hypothyroidism. However, avoid overexerting while exercising.