Symptoms Of Vesicular Rash: Common Causes And Treatment Options

Vesicular rash is one of the most common manifestations of skin disorder. However, eruptions can also occur on skin due to some internal cause. A rash can appear on skin in many forms. Vesicular rash are sacs filled with clear fluid or pus or blood. Accordingly they can be transparent, white and yellow or red. This form of rash can develop as an isolated lesion or in multitude in the same affected area or scattered throughout the body.

Vesicular rash can be varying in size from that of a pinhead to as large as one or two inch.

Large vesicles are also called bulla or blisters. Often vesicular rash can be sore and itchy depending on the underlying cause. Most rashes fade out after few days but in some cases they may recur time and again. Since vesicular rash is a symptom of underlying pathology, treatment is aimed at treating the cause.

Common Causes Of Vesicular Rashes

Vesicles develop when clear fluid gets entrapped in the upper layer of skin known as epidermis. There are several health conditions in which one of the symptoms can be vesicular rash. Some of the conditions are minor and may not require any treatment.

Some vesicles erupt as a complication of underlying medical condition, which may require prompt medical attention. Number of factors can produce vesicular rash such as:

  • Chicken pox: It is a contagious disease caused by virus. Usually the disease occurs in children but sometimes adults too are afflicted.
  • Herpes Zoster: Also known as shingles, this disease is caused by Herpes Varicella Zoster virus. In this disease sensory nerves are affected and rashes appear along the pathway of the affected nerve.
  • Allergy: A person having allergy to a substance can develop vesicular rash when he come in contact with that substance. Allergy can develop either with the skin contact or ingestion of the substance. Skin contact with poison ivy is one such example.
  • Drug allergy: Vesicles may erupt on the skin if you are allergic to certain drugs.
  • Impetigo: It is a skin infection characterized by formation of fluid and pus filled vesicles on skin. Impetigo is caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria.
  • Eczema: It is an inflammatory skin response leading to formation of fluid filled vesicles.
  • Scabies: This skin condition is contagious and is caused by sarcoptes scabi.
  • Burn: Whether minor or major, eruption of vesicles is imminent in most cases.

There are several other diseases such as pemphigoid bullous, Behcet’s disease where one of the symptoms is vesicular rash.

Signs And Symptoms Of Vesicular Rash

Vesicular rash is easily noticed from its appearance. It is a small fluid filled sac on the surface of skin. The swollen skin is thin and fragile. Slightest pressure can break the vesicle and fluid may seep out from the vesicle. The skin color of vesicle may change to white or yellow. The lesion may be painful and itchy.

There may be several vesicles clustered together or it may be a single lesion, depending on the underlying cause. Usually a vesicle is less than 1 cm; larger vesicles are called blisters and bullae. Once the vesicle ruptures, the fluid released spreads on the skin surface. When it dries, it forms crusts over the skin.

Treatment For Vesicular Rash

Treatment of vesicular rash involves treating the underlying cause. For example, vesicular rash occurring due to contact allergy can be treated with over the counter medications such as steroidal creams and ointment.

Vesicular lesions caused due to herpes virus are well treated with anti viral drugs. In most cases vesicles subside after few days or weeks. Sometimes deep seated vesicles may leave behind scars, which often occurs in case of chickenpox and impetigo.

Vesicles resulting from serious diseases or health conditions such as drug allergy may require prompt treatment. Drug allergy can result in serious health consequence. In few instances home remedies work well, like for alleviating itching applying sandalwood paste and rose water is beneficial.