Natural Home Remedies To Heal Damaged Skin: What Causes It?

  • Manage Diet. Diet should include lean proteins, carbohydrates, and those foods that provide zinc and vitamins A and C. These nutrients provide the body enough building blocks to enhance healing, restore strength of the skin, and add elasticity.
  • Administration of sun screen regularly can prevent hyper pigmentation scarring. It is good to use one that has an SPF or sun protection factor value of 15 or higher.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. It has been studied that body will need more water when it is healing itself. It is recommended to drink more than the usual 8 cups a day.
  • Application of Aloe Vera. This plant has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help in the natural healing of the skin that has been damaged due to wounds and burns.
  • Silicone Gel and Sheets. This can reduce scarring and hyper pigmentation when applied on an open wound. It can be applied two to three times a day.

What Are The Causes Of Damaged Skin?

  • Exposure to extreme weather conditions like exposure to too much sunlight and extreme cold can bring about mottled hyper pigmentation.
  • Aging process makes regenerative properties of the skin slow down and blemishes to develop.
    Wound healing also takes place slower than usual. Then thinning and sagging of the skin occurs which makes it more prone to abrasions and irritating elements in the environment. Elasticity and moisture is also slowly lost which leads to the coiling of elastin and collagen.
  • Psychological Stress: Depression, anxiety, and lack of sleep can contribute to development of unhealthy skin that can easily be damaged.
  • Improper Nutrition: Diet is a key factor in having a beautiful skin. If what are taken in a regular basis are unhealthy foods, then the effects can be seen through blemishes, spots and other skin marks.
  • Illnesses: There are diseases of the skin that can cause severe damage along with severe medical conditions in the body that develop symptoms that can harm the skin. These diseases include age spots, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, cherry angiomas, telangiectasia or broken, capillaries, skin tags, herpes, varicose veins, atopic dermatitis and eczema, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and cancer.
  • Accidents that will result in cuts, bruises, and burns.

Natural Home Remedies To Heal Damaged Skin

  • Provide the skin with large amounts of vitamins and minerals. This can be done by eating foods that are rich in these nutrients. Good examples are fruits and vegetables.
  • Diet should also be rich in foods that have good amounts of antioxidants that eradicate free radicals.
  • Eat foods that contain omega3 fatty acids like fish.
  • Avoid products that are loaded with chemicals and use natural and organic ones to protect skin. Natural substances like Aloe Vera, and honey together with natural oils like avocado oil, jajoba, and grape seed oil can be very effective and do not have any side effects.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.