Thyroid Gland Infection Treatments | Thyroiditis Causes, Prevention

Thyroid Gland Infection:

The thyroid gland is found under the Adam’s apple. The gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate the growth and maturation of body tissues and the body’s use of vitamins, body energy, and body metabolism and the use of other hormones. Thyroid gland infection is also known and referred to as thyroiditis, which is a thyroid gland inflammation due to an autoimmune cause or when the body attacks its own cells.

What Causes Thyroiditis?

There are several things that cause the thyroid gland to get infected.

  • An attack on the thyroid results in the damage and inflammation of the thyroid cells.
  • When the immune system malfunctions
  • Because the body acts as if the thyroid gland is a foreign tissue, this triggers an autoimmune response wherein the antibodies attack the thyroid.
  • A viral or bacterial infection works in the same way as antibodies do to cause an inflammation in the glands.
  • There are drugs that have a tendency to cause thyroid gland swelling.

Treatment for Thyroid Gland Infection:

The following thyroid gland care tips will help you in treating the condition.

  • Hormonal replacement is needed since thyroiditis either can result to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The best remedy will then have to be the removal of the thyroid gland especially when it is infected.
    When the gland is removed, hormonal replacement of the thyroid hormone will be given to the individual.
  • Providing adequate rest and sleep should be given.
  • Have a diet rich in vitamin A and vitamin B complex
  • Eat seaweeds and fish to treat thyroid gland problems

Thyroiditis Care:

The best and ideal way to treat thyroid gland problems is to prevent the occurrence of the condition.

  • People with thyroiditis tend to become disoriented, dizzy, and associated with body weakness as well as thyroid gland pain. It would likely put them at risk to injury.
  • You need to take monitor the heart rate and breathing of the individual. There would be certain episodes wherein the individual would be experiencing palpitations and it would likely result to complications.
  • You need to watch for signs of a thyroid storm, which can happen to a patient who is physically stressed or very sickly with a very high body temperature.
  • Avoid food high in calories and low in nutrients