Causes Of Dark Underarms: Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Them

Having dark underarms can have some effects on one’s self-confidence. This is because conventional social norms frown upon those who have the condition because people are not supposed to have them. This condition is even more pressing for women, forcing them to wear long-sleeved dresses in order to hide their underarms so that others will not be able to see it.

What Causes Dark Underarms?

There are many factors causing dark underarms, although the most frequently mentioned are the following:

  • Improper hygiene, especially when the underarms are not regularly cleaned.
  • The presence of dead skin cells.
  • Friction between the skin and the cloth worn.
  • Frequent shaving.
  • The use of deodorants that are rich in alcohol and especially those which contain aluminum salts.

Although dark underarms are not really known to indicate greater infection and any serious health complications, the condition may be accompanied by itching, irritation, and bad odor. When this happens, the situation becomes even more worrying.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms

There are various ways to treat dark underarms. Modern technology has its own set of suggestions, but most of these are so expensive they are beyond the means of ordinary people.

Most of these require multiple visits to a specialist that multiplies the expenses that one may incur.

On the other hand, there are home remedies anyone may use and which are cost effective. Moreover, because these methods employ natural means to treat dark underarms, they do not cause harmful side effects. Some of these natural treatments that you can do or use at home are the following:

  • Lemons: Lemons are known for its whitening power because of the strong acid it contains. All one needs to do is to get a slice of lemon and rub it against the underarm. With repetitive use, one will immediately notice the whitening effect of lemon.
  • Baking soda: After taking a bath, simply apply baking soda in the armpit.
  • Coconut oil is also known for whitening underarms. When using coconut oil, use the purest variety and rub on the underarms.
  • Prepare a mixture of lime juice, cucumber juice, and turmeric powder. Apply the mix on the underarms and then leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Rub potato juice on the armpits to whiten it. The juice should be left for a time to allow it to have some effect.