Throbbing Lower Back Pain Causes: Treatment For Pain In Lower Back

Our back provides the main support to stand erect. Besides it is flexible in all bodily movements. Back is made up of muscles and tendons, tissues, spine, nerves and vascular system, fats and subcutaneous tissue. Throbbing back pain is very common condition a person may have experienced some time in his life. It can be an acute condition which may last for few days before getting healed completely, or pain can become chronic and remain for three months and more.

Whatever type of throbbing back pain it is, the condition can cause a major inconvenience to perform the daily task.

 Although throbbing lower back pain is mostly due to physical cause, there are many instances where it is associated with emotional stress.

Causes Of Throbbing Pain In Lower Back

Here are few of the causes for dull throbbing lower back pain.  There may be different causes for left and right side throbbing lower back pain.

Causes for dull throbbing lower back pain on right side:

  • Strain and sprain of muscles and ligaments of back due to sudden movement or over use.
  • Herniation of lumbar spinal disk.
  • Right kidney stone pain.
  • Right kidney infection
  • Right ureteric stone colic.
  • Pain due to gall bladder stone.
  • Fibroid in uterus.
  • Herpes zoster infection on right back.
  • Boils, abscesses and insect bites.
  • Sciatica pain on right side of the leg.
  • Tuberculosis of spine.
  • Osteoporosis of spine can cause certain degree of dull pain in lower back.
  • Wearing shoes with high heels.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Arthritis of spine.
  • Spinal defects such as scoliosis.
  • Spinal tumors.

Dull throbbing Pain in left side of lower back:

  • Left sided muscle spasm.
  • Left kidney stone.
  • Left ureteric stone.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Herpes zoster on left side.
  • Stings and bites.
  • Trauma
  • Herniated disk.
  • Pregnancy
  • High heel footwear.
  • Over stretching during exercise.

Treatment For Throbbing Lower Back Pain (Left Side)

Most of the time throbbing lower back pain in left side is caused due to muscle spasm, or a renal stone or due to lumber spondylosis. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

It is important to consult your physician to find the real cause for this pain. However few precautions and complementary ways can bring considerable relief in your back pain.

  • Sleep on a flat mattress. It may not be very hard but it should not be very soft either.
  • Sit and walk straight. Do not bend when working on a computer or while reading and writing. Improper posture puts too much stress on your back and can lead to discomfort and back pain.
  • Avoid sitting in one position for more than one hour at a time.  Get up in between or change position.
  • If the cause is renal stone, drink plenty of water besides taking your doctor’s medicine.
  • Drink milk regularly and eat dairy products. They are rich source of calcium which is necessary in osteoporosis.
  • Reduce your weight as it puts pressure on your spine.
  • Avoid wearing high heel foot wear.
  • Warm water fomentation on your lower back give much anticipated relief.