One Swollen Testicle Causes | Pain, Inflammation in One Testes

A swollen testicle can be due to harmless conditions in the scrotum to serious diseases such as cancer. Swollen testicles are usually caused by the accumulation of fluid in the testicles. While the conditions usually affect both testicles, some of them could only affect swollen left testicle and not all of these causes can exhibit pain on men. Some of the swollen left testicles with pain can be due to serious health conditions such as testicular cancer, but mostly, cancer in the testicles is accompanied with other signs and symptoms such as hard lumps in the scrotum and lower back pain.

What Are the Other Causes of Swollen Left Testicle?

Swollen testicles can affect most men, but most of the causes are harmless and some of the swollen left testicle no pain is associated with it.  The following are the usual causes of swollen testicles:

  • Spermatocele or the development of fluid-filled cysts in the epididymis. The epididymis is a small coiled tube located in the upper side of the testicle that transports and collects sperm. Mostly, spermatocele is not dangerous, it is not painful, and it is not potentially cancerous.
    Although this is not a risky condition, surgery or fluid aspiration with the use of needle may be initiated if the swelling affects the size of the right or swollen left testicle or if the condition is already causing pain and discomfort to the affected person.
  • Varicocele is another condition that causes swollen testicles. This condition happens when the blood flow along the spermatic cord is obstructed. Varicocele is not dangerous but it could cause discomfort especially when the man is at his upright position.
  • Hydrocele is also a common cause of swelling testicles. This condition takes place when fluid accumulates between the two membranes covering the testicles.